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于 2013-11-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  BA_GMRES 内迭代预处理的GMRES(Inner-iteration for GMRES)



0 个回复

  • Chapter2
    MATLAB混合编程想把matlab强大的功能用在自己的工程实践中吗这是本不错的混合编程的书(Hybrid Programming MATLAB want matlab powerful in their own practice, it works this is a mixture of good programming book)
    2009-01-02 11:19:16下载
  • magnifyOnFigure
    This utility provides a powerful zooming tool specially designed for the documentation of original and zoomed 2D graphics of images on the same plot. It is composed of two blocks (the secondary axes and the magnifier). The secondary axes, which can be arbitrarily allocated within the limits of the figure, displays the area marked by the magnifier. The highly versatile interface of the on-figure magnifier offers a world of possibilities in a broad range of applications and fields. The Keyboard/mouse or programmatic configuration of this tool allows the user to set her or his own graphic style, to suit the requirements of any publication s editor. More details on interfacing and properties can be found in the .m file.
    2010-01-01 20:30:10下载
  • SRM
    project on SRM drive system The file is a Matlab m-file with all of the input parameters for the two Simulink models and It must be run prior to running the Simulink models to create the input parameters in the Matlab workspace. Because it is a Matlab m-file, it can be opened to change model input parameters. Once you have changed a parameter in you must run it again before you run the Simulink model to update the Matlab workspace and have the change take effect. The file is a Matlab m-file with all of the input parameters for the Simulink model.
    2013-08-03 08:35:11下载
  • NumericalSimulationi
    光的传输 通过大气湍流 matlab仿真 源代码(the propagation of optics through atmospheric turbulence by matlab simulation)
    2020-10-03 19:47:39下载
  • power_bridges
    This example of AC-DC-AC converter illustrates use of Universal Bridge, Multimeter, and Powergui blocks, as well as discrete control blocks of the Extras library.(A 60 Hz, voltage source feeds a 50 Hz, 50 kW load through an AC-DC-AC converter. The 600V, 60 Hz voltage obtained at secondary of the Wye/Delta transformer is first rectified by a six pulse diode bridge. The filtered DC voltage is applied to an IGBT two-level inverter generating 50 Hz. The IGBT inverter uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) at a 2 kHz carrier frequency. The circuit is discretized at a sample time of 2 us)
    2013-01-10 20:55:19下载
  • code
    MATALB code to extract features from EEG signal
    2013-11-15 18:51:22下载
  • SpaceCarving
    nice file to read and have a nice syllabus
    2010-12-03 03:26:16下载
  • slides
    this is the slides for WSN nodes
    2011-05-12 13:04:03下载
  • EOF
    matlab的eof程序,比较好用,而且说明清晰,希望对大家有用(program to do EOF analysis, and scale the EOFs. This is an example of scaling EOFs)
    2012-04-27 00:18:18下载
  • Archive
    Matlab Image processing Filtering kernel
    2014-10-04 14:58:29下载
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