遗传算法视频课配套程序,包括调用函数,目标函数,主函数等,非常全,可以运行(genetic algorithm program, with a detailed explanation of the objective function, Part II)
- 2019-06-02 09:42:10下载
- 积分:1
It is a program for State Feedback H Controller design for continuous time system based lmi approach.
- 2011-05-09 22:06:36下载
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matlab在gapRTK定位描写中的误差分析与数据处理(Matlab gapRTK description in positioning error analysis and data processing in
- 2012-11-28 13:24:10下载
- 积分:1
可以实现的功能是:基于未知输入观测器的故障检测算法(You can achieve the function is: unknown input observer based fault detection algorithm)
- 2020-12-04 14:49:27下载
- 积分:1
综合使用多种方法使模糊的人体骨架变清晰,空间图像域的增强(The integrated use of a variety of ways to obscure a clear change in human skeleton)
- 2009-06-12 15:02:40下载
- 积分:1
离散时间语音信号处理--原理与应用 相关matlab文件(Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing:Principles and Practice )
- 2013-07-27 10:45:31下载
- 积分:1
利用比尔萨法尔定理计算多个线框嵌套时的磁场分布(for calculating the magnetic distribution of multiple square wireframe)
- 2013-04-03 22:02:54下载
- 积分:1
boundary scan tutorial matlab
- 2010-12-25 14:00:23下载
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最优化计算一书中整数规划源代码,已测试验证,可直接运行!(Optimization Calculation of integer programming source code of a book, testing and certification, can be directly run!)
- 2012-05-08 15:34:59下载
- 积分:1
The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA toolbox are:
- ma_sone wav (PCM) to sone (specific loudness sensation)
- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients)
- ma_sh sone to Spectrum Histogram
- ma_ph sone to Periodicity Histogram
- ma_fp sone to Fluctuation Pattern
- ma_fc frame based representation (MFCCs or sone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)
- ma_cms cluster models to distance (Cluster Model Similarity)
- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "ma_fc")
- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model (as returned by "ma_fc")
- ma_simple_eval script for a simple evaluation of similarity measures
- ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface
(The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA t oolbox are :- ma_sone wav (PCM) to betamethasone ('s specific loudness ensation)- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Freq uency diagnoses Coefficients)- ma_sh betamethasone to Sp ectrum Histogram- ma_ph betamethasone to Periodicity Hi stogram- ma_fp betamethasone to Fluctuation Pattern-ma _fc frame based representation (MFCCs or betamethasone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)- ma_cms cl uster models to distance (Cluster Model Simila rity)- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "m a_fc ")- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model ( as returned by "ma_fc")- ma_simple_eval scrip not for a simple evaluation of similarity measure s-ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface)
- 2007-03-16 19:09:51下载
- 积分:1