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于 2012-09-19 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  光纤布拉格光栅匹配解调法匹配光栅的反射谱的matlab实现程序,含二维图像(Fiber Bragg grating matching demodulation matching grating reflection spectrum matlab procedures, including the two-dimensional image)



0 个回复

  • Smith-Chart
    Matlab实现史密斯圆图的绘制程序。 这个Matlab程序,绘制史密斯圆图,同时绘制反射系数。(Matlab Smith chart drawing program. The Matlab program to draw a Smith chart, draw the reflection coefficient.)
    2012-06-08 16:32:32下载
  • longgeketafa
    利用龙格-库塔法求解了航天器深空返回再入运动动力学方程,并对返回再入运动进行了仿真分析。(Use of Runge- Kutta method to solve the deep-space spacecraft reentry return movement dynamics equations, and the return movement is simulated reentry.)
    2015-03-30 11:28:47下载
  • 生产调度matlab
    基于遗传算法的车间调度的MATLAB实现,很好改进,实用(MATLAB implementation of job shop scheduling based on genetic algorithm is very good and practical.)
    2018-05-22 23:10:29下载
  • CentralDifference
    中心差分法,matlab计算结构动力学响应程序。(Central difference method, structural dynamics matlab calculate the response program.)
    2016-04-13 14:26:53下载
  • CaseStudy
    这里介绍的案例研究演示如何使用MATLAB来建立测量的燃气经营权,在新英格兰的植物组合相关的风险的申请。在Excel中的应用与实施用MATLAB进行了分析所有的接口。该应用程序允许用户指定的7种植物,包括能力,热率,可变操作和维护成本,最低运行时的特点。这个组合可以用一个简单的调度backtested历史天然气和电力价格的策略来计算利润和机组运行的历史数据。风险措施,通过模拟计算到使用天然气和混合模型在MATLAB中实现,模拟市场价格为每调度方案和计算现金流量从厂房的运作产生未来的电力价格。该现金流量的分布进行分析,产生了90%和95%的现金流量在风险衡量每个工厂以及用于发电资产组合。这些功能全部是提出了一个简洁的Excel的前端。 题为“介绍ETRM为例”的文件将指导,通过分析不同的组件。(The case study presented here demonstrates using MATLAB to build an application for measuring the risks associated with a portfolio of gas-fired power plants operated in New England. The application has an interface implemented in Excel with all of the analytics performed by MATLAB. The application allows the user to specify the characteristics of the 7 plants including the capacity, heat rate, variable operation and maintenance costs and minimum run time. This portfolio can be backtested using a simple dispatch strategy on historical gas and electricity prices to compute historical profit and plant operation statistics. The risk measures are computed by simulating gas and electricity prices into the future using a hybrid model implemented in MATLAB, simulating the dispatch for each scenario of market prices and computing cash-flows arising from the operation of the plants. The distribution of the cash-flows is analyzed to produce a 90 and 95 cash-flow at risk measure for each plant )
    2010-07-05 12:06:33下载
  • MATLAB_gongjuxiang
    详细介绍matlab工具箱的使用,介绍的很详细。(Details of the use of matlab toolbox, described in great detail.)
    2010-12-25 18:13:41下载
  • docs
    papers based on distributed arithmetic.
    2014-02-06 16:17:09下载
  • gprs-specification
    this file help us to understand gprs networks and how communication through GPRS is carried out...
    2014-08-27 12:17:52下载
  • xianshixiaobo
    适合初学小波变换的同学,小程序演示了怎样显示小波各级各频段(show the frequency of wavelet)
    2013-08-31 22:00:30下载
  • pca
    用matlab中的基本数学包实现-PCA,有助于理解PCA原理。 (Using matlab in the realization of the basic mathematical package-PCA, help to understand the principles of PCA.)
    2009-01-03 16:19:34下载
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