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于 2020-12-04 发布 文件大小:3064KB
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  vnc源码,十分有用,编译通过。大家可以来试试。能够收获不少。(vnc code)



0 个回复

  • MY_YangHuiTriangle
    利用二维数组创建杨辉三角形,基于vc++程序设计(Creating a Yang Hui triangle by using a two-dimensional array .Programming based on vc++)
    2018-01-03 22:40:15下载
  • B06040324_B2
    模拟电信计费系统的设计与实现 要求:(1) 计费功能。根据存放在源数据文件中的通话记录和长途费率文件对每一条通话记录计算其通话费用,并将结果保存在费用文件中。其中: 通话费的计算方法如下: 通话费=长途电话费+本地电话费 长途电话费=费率(元/分钟)×通话时长(分钟) (通话时长不满1分钟的按1分钟计算) 本地电话费为:3分钟以内0.5元,以后每3分钟递增0.2元。 (2) 话费查询。输入一个电话号码,从费用文件中统计该电话号码的所有本地话费、长途话费,并从用户文件中查找其用户名,最后在屏幕上显示: 用户名 电话号码 本地话费 长途话费 话费总计 (3) 话单查询。输入一个电话号码,查询并在屏幕显示该用户的所有通话记录,格式为: 用户名 主叫电话号码 被叫电话号码 通话时长 (Design and implementation of simulation of telecommunication billing system Requirements: (1) the charging function. According to the calculation of the call charges stored in the source data file in the call records and the long rate documents for each call record, and save the results in cost file. Among them: The following conversation method to calculate the fee: Long distance telephone calls =+ local telephone fee Long distance telephone fee = rate (yuan/minute)* call time (minutes) (call time less than 1 minutes to 1 minutes) Local call: 3 minutes 0.5 yuan, increasing 0.2 yuan every 3 minutes later. (2) calls inquiries. Enter a phone number, all local calls, long-distance calls statistics the phone number from the cost in the file, and find the user name from user file, and finally displayed on the screen: The user name phone number local calls long distance charges charges totaling (3) if a single query. Enter a phone number, query and display all the call records of th)
    2013-09-25 05:53:29下载
  • DTrssarfdsMS
    动态传输远程控制,已经发出了自己的,大家拿去玩吧(The dynamic transmission Remote Control has been issued, we take it to play)
    2013-01-19 13:04:24下载
  • pe2
    远程控制服务端,功能很全,是注册系统服务来实现的,不过这个服务现在已经不用了,大家可以作为参考。(Remote control of server-side, functional whole, the registry service to achieve, but the service is now not everyone can be used as a reference.)
    2012-03-08 23:00:54下载
  • Connect_Back_windows
    一个隐蔽的后门程序,反弹远程主机命令行.(A hidden backdoors, rebounded remote host command line.)
    2013-09-03 14:09:38下载
  • medo
    设X[ 0 : n - 1]和Y[ 0 : n – 1 ]为两个数组,每个数组中含有n个已排好序的数。找出X和Y的2n个数的中位数。  编程任务 利用分治策略试设计一个O (log n)时间的算法求出这2n个数的中位数。 数据输入 由文件input.txt提供输入数据。文件的第1行中有1个正整数n(n<=200),表示每个数组有n个数。接下来的两行分别是X,Y数组的元素。结果输出 程序运行结束时,将计算出的中位数输出到文件output.txt中(Let X [0: n- 1] and Y [0: n- 1] for the two arrays, each array containing the n number has been sorted. 2n X and Y to identify the number of digits.  programming tasks using the divide and conquer strategy try to design an O (log n) time algorithm to calculate this median number 2n. Data input by the input data provided input.txt file. The first line in the file has a positive integer n (n < = 200), that there are n numbers of each array. The next two lines are the X, Y array elements. The end result is output program runs, the calculated median output to file output.txt)
    2021-03-22 16:29:16下载
  • PeerYou
    目前最好的采用TCP开发的远程控制的软件。操作非常流畅(The best use of the TCP development of remote control software. Very smooth to operate)
    2012-07-12 13:12:54下载
  • vbsetimeorder
    远程控制VB源码,有客户端与服务器端,代码比较全(VB rote control)
    2015-04-12 16:46:56下载
  • wifi-robot-CPP
    wifi机器人 用C++做的上位机 可以实现对机器人和小车的远程控制以及无线视频的传输(wifi robot using C++ to do the PC can transmit remote control robot and the car as well as wireless video)
    2015-10-21 08:34:36下载
  • montior
    vb 基于winsock 远程视频监控`(vb basic winsock monitor)
    2012-06-13 18:40:01下载
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