首页 » matlab » MIMOPMultiaceelPModeling


于 2013-04-01 发布 文件大小:274KB
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  运用相关矩阵法,通过计算2 根天线之间的相关系数、多输入多输出(MIMO)的相关矩阵,得到MIMO 信道系数矩阵,在其中加 入智能天线(SA)的导向向量和赋形向量,得到MIMO/SA 矩阵,由此实现对MIMO/SA 多天线空时信道的建模。(Use of the correlation matrix method, the multi-input multi-output (MIMO), correlation matrix, obtained by calculating the correlation coefficient between the two antennas, the MIMO channel coefficient matrix, Smart Antenna (SA) was added in which the guide vectors and shaped vector, obtained MIMO/SA matrix, thus achieving the modeling of the space-time channel, multi-antenna MIMO/SA.)



0 个回复

  • vi2
    This program compress and recostruct using wavelets. We can select level of decomposition(here maximum 4 levels are given) of images using selected wavelet. For eg:-wavelets can be haar, db1, db2,dmey............... Decomposition can be viewed in figure. (Please note that select 256X256 image for better result.) Then compression can performed, PERFL2 give compression score. Then reconstruction can be performed. Each decompsition we can choose different threshold values. For each threshold value we can calculate mse,psnr,pq(picture quality), bit ratio etc. To get pq install pqs function . (This program compress and recostruct using wavelets. We can select level of decomposition (here maximum 4 levels are given) of images using selected wavelet.For eg:-wavelets can be haar, db1, db2, dmey ........ ....... Decomposition can be viewed in figure. (Please note that select 256X256 image for better result.) Then compression can performed, PERFL2 give compression score.Then reconstruction can be performed.Each decompsition we can choose different threshold values . For each threshold value we can calculate mse, psnr, pq (picture quality), bit ratio etc. To get pq install pqs function.)
    2007-10-24 16:47:31下载
  • boost1
    invetre 3phase by jahed
    2011-05-27 20:50:13下载
  • CMAbasedRLS
    这个matlab代码是实现基于最小二乘算法的常数模算法。较最小均方误差算法,该算法收敛速度较快。(Matlab code to achieve the constant modulus algorithm based on least squares algorithm. Than the minimum mean square error algorithm, the algorithm converges faster.)
    2012-04-28 10:48:47下载
  • pcatry
    本程序为基于MATLAB开发的,混沌时间序列特性分析之PCA方法的应用实例(This procedure was developed based on MATLAB, Analysis of chaotic time series properties of the application of PCA method)
    2009-03-20 11:00:43下载
  • blx
    运用matlab求解包络线的程序,程序内容是自己编写,仅供参考!(Use matlab to solve the program of the envelope, the contents of the program is to write your own, for reference only!)
    2012-09-08 10:27:51下载
  • back_to_back_converter_zhengliu_zpc
    这是一种整流电路,可以将相位相差120的三相交流电变换为直流,变化方法用到了电机控制中的坐标变换,SVPWM算法,方法比较新颖。(a kind of circuit which can convert three_phase AC voltage to DC voltge)
    2016-02-22 19:25:50下载
  • dddqqq
    有关机动目标跟踪,卡尔曼滤波相关的资料,对从事卡尔曼滤波研究,机动目标跟踪的朋友有参考价值 (The maneuvering target tracking, Kalman filtering relevant information, engaged in Kalman filtering, target tracking friends have reference value)
    2010-09-08 13:40:46下载
  • guochengbiasnhi-zyc_new
    这些程序是朱毅才老师过程辨识参数书的源程序,是问他本人要的,很珍贵,在此分享,希望对过程辨识的研究人员有很大的帮助(These procedures the teacher Zhu Yi before the process of identification of the source of the argument of the book, and asked his very precious to share this, researchers hope that the process of identification of a great help)
    2013-03-28 13:00:20下载
  • Gaussian-blur-with-CUDA-5
    cuda5 and matlab code for Gaussian filtering and parallel image processing code, we hope to help
    2013-10-01 10:52:33下载
  • bayes1
    用matlab完成分类器的设计,说明文字程序相应语句,子程序有调用过程(Using matlab complete classifier design, captions program corresponding statement, calling subroutines process)
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