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于 2013-03-31 发布 文件大小:69KB
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  傅里叶变化性质在MATLAB中的实现,时域和频域对比,以及程序仿真(Fourier nature of the changes implemented in MATLAB, time domain and frequency domain correlation, and program simulation)



0 个回复

  • Chapter1
    psk,fsk等调制的基于matlab仿真,由仿真结果看出其性能的差别(psk, fsk modulation, such as matlab-based simulation, the simulation results that the performance difference)
    2008-04-30 02:14:42下载
  • weiruo
    详细介绍了微弱信号的检测方法 ,做信号检测的可以参考下其中的经典方法(Details of the weak signal detection methods, signal detection can be done under one of the classical method of reference)
    2010-11-12 23:03:24下载
  • lec5
    Li near r egr essi on, acti ve learning We arriv ed at the lo gistic regression model when trying to explicitly model the uncertainty about the lab els in a linear c la ss ifier. The same genera l modeling approach p e rmits us to use line ar predictio ns in var ious other co ntexts as well. The simplest of them is regress ion where the go al is to pr e dict a con tin uous resp onse y t ∈ R to e ach example ve ctor. Here to o fo cusing on linear predictions won’t b e inherently limiting as linear predictions can b e easily extended (ne xt lecture).
    2013-12-02 14:38:57下载
  • 590B
    DC590B 的资料,用于BMS开发工具 里面介绍功能及用法(device datasheet)
    2015-01-15 10:15:10下载
  • JPEG-matlab
    matlab实现的JPEG图像压缩程序 可成功运行(matlab implementation of JPEG image compression program which can be run successfully)
    2013-07-30 19:24:27下载
  • goatmaster
    用于遗传算法的论文,可以给大家作为参考资料的,大家看看吧(for Genetic Algorithm papers, can give us as a reference, we look at it)
    2007-05-29 10:29:02下载
  • Coding-for-COA_HighPrecision_high-convergence
    Coding for COA_High Precision_high convergence ***Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm*** * Matlab Toolbox Ver. 1.0.1 * programmed by: "Ramin Rajabioun, 2011" This code minimizes your cost function, so don t change any part of your code.
    2013-12-10 16:49:11下载
  • anewLMSalgorithm
    说明:   本文对变步长自适应滤波算法进行了讨论,建立了步长因子μ与误差信号e(n) 之间另一种新的非线性函数关系. 该函数比已有的sigmoid 函数简单,且在误差e(n)接近零处具有缓慢变化的特性,克服了Sigmoid 函数在 自适应稳态阶段步长调整过程中的不足. 由此函数本文得出了另一种新的变步长自适应滤波算法,并且分析了参数α,β的取值原则及对算法收敛性能的影响. 该算法有较好的收敛性能且计算量少. 计算机仿真结果与理论分析相一致,证实了该算法的收敛性能优于已有的算法.(In this paper, variable step adaptive filter algorithm to discuss the establishment of a step factor μ and the error signal e (n) between another new nonlinear function. The function has a sigmoid function than the simple and the error e (n) close to zero Department has a slow change in the characteristics of a Sigmoid function to overcome the steady-state phase in the adaptive step length adjustment during the process. this function, this paper gives another new variable step size adaptive filtering algorithms, and analysis of the parameters α, β the value principles and the convergence performance. The algorithm has better convergence performance easy to calculate. Simulation results and theoretical analysis, confirmed the convergence of the algorithm better performance than existing algorithms.)
    2010-04-28 17:01:15下载
  • power_svc_pss
    powersystem fault analysis of power_svc_pss
    2011-06-18 18:15:20下载
  • dsss
    dsss的matlab代码和c源码,对刚开始接触扩频的朋友有帮助,用于快速入门,加深理解(dsss the matlab code and c source code, for spreading a friend just came into contact with helpful for quick entry, to deepen understanding of)
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