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于 2013-11-05 发布 文件大小:279KB
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  MP8126 550mA, 8V-to-14V Input, LNB-Power Supply and Control-Voltage Regulator



0 个回复

  • zhifangtu
    不用自带直方图函数画直方图以及直方图均衡处理图像(Don t bring histogram function painting histogram and histogram equalization images)
    2010-12-18 19:01:18下载
  • DFNN
    动态模糊神经网络,伍仕贤课本第三章源程序(Dynamic fuzzy neural network routines, the actual run-off, you can.)
    2014-09-24 21:15:53下载
  • speech_enhance_GUI
    使用维纳滤波、谱减法和自适应滤波法在matlab环境下实现语音降噪处理的源代码,并实现了GUI用户图形界面设置,参数可调。(Using Wiener filtering, spectral subtraction and adaptive filtering in matlab environment voice noise reduction processing source code, and implement a GUI graphical user interface settings, adjustable parameters.)
    2011-10-06 12:42:56下载
  • pratial-metheds-of-optimiazation
    详细地介绍了各类常见的优化算法,以及其相应的matlab程序。(Detailed description of the common optimization algorithms, as well as the corresponding matlab program.)
    2012-11-04 21:18:42下载
  • matlab_fft
    Matlab快速傅立叶变换程序,有源代码。(Matlab Fast Fourier Transform program, active code.)
    2012-08-24 11:37:31下载
  • Selective
    数据链路层滑动窗口协议的设计与实现源码 信道模型为8000bps 全双工卫星信道,信道传播时延270 毫秒,信道误码率为10-5,信道提供字节流传输服务,网络层分组长度在240~256字节范围。(Sliding window data link layer protocol design and implementation of source-channel model 8000bps full-duplex satellite channel, the channel propagation delay 270 ms, the channel bit error rate of 10-5, the channel provides a byte stream transfer service, network layer packet length in the range of 240 to 256 bytes.)
    2013-12-08 11:45:53下载
  • mf_scan
    mfile for matlab program
    2010-10-14 15:43:12下载
  • L_D
    用Matlab程序实现P阶Levinson-Durbin算法。以一个2阶自回归模型(参数为b0=1, a1=0, a2=0.81)和一个2阶滑动平均模型(参数为b0=1, b1=1, b2=1)为例,选取观测数据长度为1000,分别用一个AR(2)模型和一个AR(10)阶模型来估计其功率谱。设激励信号模型的高斯白噪声的均值为0,方差为1。用Levinson-Durbin算法迭代计算AR模型参数,并用估计出的AR模型参数画出观测信号的功率谱。并对Levinson-Durbin算法的性能进行分析。(Write a small MATLAB program that implements the pthorder Levinson-Durbin (L-D). Run/Test the program using a AR(2) process (b0=1,a1=0, a2=0.81) and an MA(2) (bn=1,1,1) process-about 1000 samples. Use L-D with p=2 (for the AR) and 10 (for the MA). Plot the AR spectra produced in the two cases with L-D. List the direct form and the reflection coefficients in a table. Profile the L-D (total number of computations for a pthorder)
    2009-12-29 01:39:11下载
  • Nonlinear system_Hassan_K_Khalil
    非线性 matlab Nonlinear system_Hassan_K_Khalil的matlab代码。书本的代码编写主要集中在第二章,第十三章,第十四章代码(the matlab code of Nonlinear system_Hassan_K_Khalil, the code main are in the charpter 2 ,charpter 13 and charpter 14)
    2020-12-27 08:39:02下载
  • synmotor
    these matlab simulation will be useful to those who search for voltage source control of synchronous motor using mosfet
    2010-08-19 21:09:32下载
  • 696518资源总数
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