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于 2011-11-10 发布 文件大小:299KB
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  介绍了一种新的解相干的方法,所用的阵列为均匀圆阵(Introduces a new method of decoherence, the use of arrays of uniform circular array)


a new way of music.pdf,326360,2011-10-24



0 个回复

  • im3sp
    multi interface example
    2010-05-20 16:41:28下载
  • waveCompression
    将电力市场数据使用小波分解成为两个长度相等的低频和高频小波,然后可以用于灰色模型的建模和波形模型建模!(The electricity market data using wavelet decomposition into two equal length low and high frequency wavelet gray model can then be used for modeling and waveform modeling!)
    2013-09-17 21:52:32下载
  • MIMO-channel-matlab
    MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型(MIMO channel model for MIMO channel model MIMO channel model MIMO channel model for MIMO channel model MIMO channel model for MIMO channel model)
    2011-05-11 22:04:34下载
  • BPlizi_1
    PID神经网络 BP神经网络 本人自编 PID采用增量式PID控制(PID neural network BP neural network self I use incremental PID control PID)
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  • matlabshrinkingpgm
    matlab image shrinking program without using built in functions......
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  • dbjlf
    底部剪力法求地震作用力 matlab 源程序(Base shear method matlab source)
    2013-08-12 12:28:26下载
  • computerwork_2
    2. 设 是窄带信号,定义 是在 区间上均匀分布的随机相位。 是寬带信号,它是一个零均值、方差为1的白噪音信号e(n)激励一个线性滤波器而产生,其差分方程为 。 1) 计算 和 各自的自相关函数,并画出其函数图形。根据此选择合适的延时,以实现谱线增强。 2) 产生一个 序列。选择合适的 值。让 通过谱线增强器。画出输出信号 和误差信号e(n)的波形,并分别与 和 比较。 (Computer Experiments: 1. Consider an AR process x(n) defined by the difference equation where v(n) is an additive white noise of zero mean and variance .The AR parameters and are both real valued: a) Calculate the noise variance such that the AR process x(n) has unit variance .Hence , generate different realization of the process x (n). b) Given the input x (n), an LMS filter of length M = 2 is used to estimate the unknown AR parameters and . The step size is assigned the value 0.05. Compute and plot the ensemble average curve of and by averaging the value of parameters and over an ensemble of 100 different realization of the filter. Calculate the time constant according to the experiment results and compare with the corresponded theoretical value. c) For one realization of the LMS filter, compute the prediction error And the two tap-weight errors and Using power spectral plots of , show that)
    2020-06-28 19:40:01下载
  • jiaozhiliu
    半定规划内点法数据整理交直流系统统一无功优化算法,系数矩阵的确定。(Interior point method for semidefinite programming data collation AC and DC systems unified reactive power optimization algorithm to determine the coefficient matrix.)
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  • chap01_20
    先进pid matlab 仿真 刘金琨 第版 第一章程序 pid matlab simulink liujinkunc hap01_19.rar
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    说明:  拉普拉斯分解(Laplacian decomposition)
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