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  随机信号功率谱估计 非常好 希望能够帮助大家(Random signal power spectrum estimation Very good hope to help everyone)



0 个回复

  • an510
    基于MATLAB/simulink的永磁同步电机仿真模型.空间失量磁场定向算法(Based on MATLAB/simulink simulation model of permanent magnet synchronous motor. Spatial loss field oriented method)
    2011-01-26 00:08:13下载
  • mpc_4
    this is matlab code
    2014-01-30 03:36:43下载
  • DER
    important matlab programing for research
    2010-07-31 23:01:30下载
  • normxcorr2_ALL
    快速NCC(normalized cross correlation)算法实现。比matlab自带的normxcorr2 快10-20倍。在windows Unix环境下c语言,和matlab编译通过。(use Matlab on Windows or Linux or Mac OS X and want fast (exact, general-case) normalized correlation (NCC) code right now, then download it and enjoy the large performance gain over Matlab s normxcorr2 (demo included). For the brave (and/or masochistic) there is B), however, it is unlikely you will do better than the above. Thanks to Liang Jin for making the OS X binary (his performance comparison graph on a PowerPC). )
    2010-10-28 19:06:07下载
  • vehicle-sub-system
    用于蒙特卡洛monte calro仿真方法的模拟(For the Monte Carlo simulation method simulation monte calro)
    2013-09-09 08:54:28下载
  • psopt20130502b
    Particle swarm optimization is a derivative-free global optimum search algorithm based on the collective intelligence of a large group of intercommunicating entities. The individual particles are simple and primitive, knowing only their own current locations and fitness values, their personal best locations, and the swarm s best location. Each particle continually adjusts its trajectory based this information, moving towards the global optimum with each iteration. The swarm as a whole displays a remarkable level of coherence and coordination despite the simplicity of its individual particles. The coordinated behavior of the swarm has been compared with that of a flock of birds or a school of fish.
    2013-05-04 23:12:48下载
  • segmen
    This function is used to segment a color image in RGB format. Number of cluster must be include and approximately by user.
    2010-07-11 14:52:28下载
  • MATLAB-book
    教材:电力电子应用技术的MATLAB仿真 中国电力出版社出版,内容详细,易懂(a book for leaners of matlab)
    2012-05-03 20:52:04下载
  • kernel
    kernel光滑滤波matlab源程序代码。fun为kern函数,在matlab文件中提供了四个函数:均匀函数,二次函数,一阶导数估计和二阶导数估计,详细请见算法文档。(kernel smooth filter matlab code)
    2014-10-12 14:02:19下载
  • Homework5
    This code generates a 10x10 matrix using magic(10) .find min and max in each row and save the info in magic.txt and magic.dat
    2010-11-25 10:37:06下载
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