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于 2013-11-03 发布 文件大小:23KB
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  仿真软件MATLAb搭出来的一个光伏电池并入微电网模型,大家可以参考下(Simulation software MATLAb take out a photovoltaic cell and nuanced grid model, we can refer to)



0 个回复

  • GUI-drawing-board
    Matlab鼠标画图,用pop-up menu选择画图标记,颜色edit记录鼠标坐标 但是功能比较简单,只能画线,不能画矩形、椭圆等 其中一个难点就是:拖动鼠标的过程中如何显示矩形/椭圆的轮廓,并且轮廓跟着鼠标指针移动。 程序的亮点: 1、可选择点、线、矩形、椭圆进行画图; 2、可选择marker、LineTyple进行画图; 3、可选择画图颜色; 4、可实时显示鼠标指针当前坐标; 5、可清除画板; 6、可保存画好的图(bmp、jpg、gif); 7、操作比较人性化,模仿了windows画板; 8、该程序牵涉的面广,是一个很好的GUI学习资料。 (Matlab mouse drawing, with the pop-up menu select the drawing marks, color edit record mouse coordinates, but relatively simple function, can only draw a line, not drawing rectangles, ellipses, etc. One of the difficulties is this: how the process of dragging the rectangle/oval contours, and outline follow the mouse pointer moves. Program Highlights: 1, select point, line, rectangle, ellipse for drawing 2, optional marker, LineTyple the drawing 3, choose paint colors 4, real-time display the current coordinates of the mouse pointer 5, to clear the drawing board 6, save-drawn map (bmp, jpg, gif) 7, operation more user-friendly, imitating the windows drawing board 8, the program involved a wide range, the GUI is a good learning materials.)
    2010-11-10 21:51:39下载
  • abc
    基于MATLAB的变电站无功模糊控制系统(MATLAB-based substation reactive fuzzy control system)
    2012-05-21 22:30:52下载
  • licenseplaterecognition
    汽车车牌识别,用matlab编写的简单的程序,很适合新人学习!(license plate recognition)
    2010-06-03 21:32:06下载
  • CManual
    C Language Reference Manual
    2010-09-29 23:34:03下载
  • A-Bayesian-Adaptive-Basis-Algorithm-for-Single-Pa
    Traditional single particle reconstruction methods use either the Fourier or the delta function basis to represent the particle density map. We propose a more flexible algorithm that adaptively chooses the basis based on the data. Because the basis adapts to the data, the reconstruction resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved compared to a reconstruction with a fixed basis. Moreover, the algorithm automatically masks the particle, thereby separating it from the background. This eliminates the need for ad-hoc filtering or masking in the refinement loop. The algorithm is formulated in a Bayesian maximum-a-posteriori framework and uses an efficient optimization algorithm for the maximization. Evaluations using simulated and actual cryogenic electron microscopy data show resolution and SNR improvements as well as the effective masking of particle from background
    2013-04-05 22:04:51下载
  • Active-suspension
    Lqg控制的主动电磁悬架,分别进行了A级和B级路面的对比仿真(Lqg controlled active electromagnetic suspension, respectively, compared emulation A grade and B-grade roads)
    2015-08-17 19:01:52下载
  • vmd-test
    vmd源程序的修改版,看起来没那么费尽,更容易懂。(vmd source of the modified version, does not look so racked and easier to understand.)
    2016-09-08 17:35:16下载
  • mulSimNewton
    MATLAB用于非线性方程组的求解问题,用的方法是牛顿迭代法(the solution of nonlinear functions)
    2011-01-09 11:53:36下载
  • AutoRunMatlab
    可以实现开机自动在后台运行matlab,为第一次运行matlab节省时间。(Matlab can start automatically in the background, saving time for the first run matlab.)
    2014-11-06 15:09:01下载
  • Matlabcode
    matlab最常用,最实用的程序代码,初学者必须要掌握的。重要!!!(matlab most commonly used and most useful code, beginners need to master. Important! ! !)
    2010-01-29 00:48:36下载
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