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于 2014-11-28 发布 文件大小:33KB
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  从初值出发,先计算y对时间t的导数,得到y的变化速度;求出x对t的导数,得到x随时间的变化速度。然后时间前进一小步h=0.002,同时x和y也都发生一个小的变化,即在原来数值基础上加上时间步长h和变化速度的乘积。如果x到达1或者-1,强制让y发生变化。这个过程不断迭代,得到结果。 (completed chart)



0 个回复

  • iir
    按照给定指标采用模拟低通滤波器(巴特沃思低通)去逼近理想模拟低通滤波器 ,然后通过双线性变换法对模拟滤波器进行数字化,得到数字滤波器 。(Indicators in accordance with a given analog low-pass filter (Butterworth low-pass) to approximate the ideal analog low-pass filter, and then through the bilinear transformation method of digitizing analog filters, the digital filter.)
    2007-11-29 10:32:22下载
  • youxianzidongjihuajian
    有限自动机的确定化及化简 1、更正了 DFA_simplify2 中的错误 2、增加新旧状态对照表 ds_temp --NFA转DFA -- 输入字符 -- 要求 id 必须从 1 开始连续递增(Finite Automata and the identification of a simplification, correction of the errors DFA_simplify2 2, increase the old and new state CRT ds_temp-- NFA to DFA-- input characters-- must request id Start an incremental)
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    This program is used for simulation length and AR Model Wiener filtering
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  • bianpojiegousheji3
    本文基于毕肖普法和蒙特卡洛法,利用MATLAB编程软件计算了边坡结构的失效概率Pf和对应可靠指标β.在计算上述Pf和对应β时,考虑了土体三个主要基本参数(重度γ、内摩擦角(Ψ)、粘聚力c)的随机特性.利用MATLAB程序的计算结果表明,随机变量对边坡可靠度的影响与基本随机参数对抗滑反力的贡献大小有关,即,贡献大的基本随机参数,它的随机波动对结构失效概率Pf的影响也较大,反之亦然.另外,基于MATLAB的算例计算结果还表明:边坡结构失效概率Pf对内摩擦角(Ψ)较敏感,而对重度y和粘聚力c次之.其次,当同时考虑三个随机变量的联合波动对Pf的影响时发现,当它们在小范围内随机波动时,其联合特性对Pf的影响较敏感,但当它们在大范围内随机波动时,Pf主要受敏感随机变量的影响,而三个随机变量联合作用对Pf的影响和敏感随机变量(Ψ)单独作用时相差不大.由此可见,在实际边坡工程可靠性分析中,土体内摩擦角起主要作用,不容忽视.(Based Bishop method and Monte Carlo method, using MATLAB programming software to calculate the failure probability Pf and the corresponding slope reliability index β structure in the calculation of the above Pf and the corresponding β, consider the three main basic soil parameters (severe γ internal friction angle (Ψ), cohesion c) of the random nature of calculation results using MATLAB program shows that the influence of random variables on the reliability of the basic random slope parameters against anti- slip contribution to the size of the force , that is , the contribution the basic parameters of large random , random fluctuations which affect the probability of structural failure Pf is also larger , and vice versa addition, the calculation based on MATLAB numerical results also show that : the structure of slope failure probability Pf internal friction angle (Ψ) more sensitive , while severe and cohesion c y followed . Secondly, when taking into account the impact of the joint fl)
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