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  平时遇到很多做MPC(模型预测控制)研究的额朋友,对MPC的学习遇到不少困难,很大的原因就是有价值的资料很少,国内尤甚。这是本极好的讲解利用Matlab对模型预测控制进行建模分析的国外书籍,书名为Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB。在这里把电子版于大家一起共享,希望对研究这块的朋友有帮助。(Usually encountered do a lot of MPC (model predictive control) study the amount of friends, learning the MPC encountered many difficulties, much of the reason is that little valuable information, domestic, especially. This excellent explanation of the use of the Matlab model predictive control modeling analysis of foreign books, the title of Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB. The electronic version in here together to share research piece of the friends.)


Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB
......................................................................\第一章Discrete-time MPC for Beginners.pdf,554898,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第七章Continuous-time MPC with Constraints.pdf,588570,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第三章Discrete-time MPC Using Laguerre Functions.pdf,717027,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第九章Classical MPC Systems in State-space Formulation.pdf,1002889,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第二章Discrete-time MPC with Constraints.pdf,535460,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第五章Continuous-time Orthonormal Basis Functions.pdf,321478,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第八章Continuous-time MPC with Prescribed Degree.pdf,584963,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第六章Continuous-time MPC.pdf,640617,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第十章Implementation of Predictive Control Systems.pdf,1944814,2010-09-14
......................................................................\第四章Discrete-time MPC with Prescribed Degree of Stability.pdf,553715,2010-09-14



0 个回复

  • duanshishiyuchuli
    matlab写的语音短时时域处理的代码。 里面有详细的介绍和要求。(matlab written speech short time domain processing code)
    2013-11-19 12:46:06下载
  • The-cuckoo-algorithm
    布谷鸟算法研究,并附matlab的实例。(The cuckoo algorithm on MATLAB)
    2015-11-02 11:46:12下载
  • Matlab3
    关于MATLAB的一个很好的PPT。讲的是符号运算。对于初学者很好。页面也很漂亮。(MATLAB on a good PPT. Talking about the symbolic operation. Good for beginners. Page is also very beautiful.)
    2009-07-13 18:42:21下载
  • feature_reduction
    this code reduce the dimentional of feature space using combine sparse matrix+PCA for classification eeg signal. more detail exixst inside the code. this code tested and work properly
    2013-07-29 02:54:21下载
  • ifuvgscv
    相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真,时间序列数据分析中的梅林变换工具,可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,使用混沌与分形分析的例程,基于互功率谱的时延估计。(Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target, Time series data analysis Mellin transform tool, You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.)
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  • ssa
    Singular spectrum analysis
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    (1)员工各种信息的输入,包括员工的基本信息、学历信息、婚姻状况信息和职称等; (2)员工各种信息的修改; (3)对于转出、辞职、辞退、退休员工信息的删除; (4)按照一定的条件,查询,统计符合条件的员工信息; (5)至少应该包括每个员工详细信息的查询,按婚姻状况查询、学历查询、工作岗位查询等; (6)至少应该包括按学历、婚姻状况、岗位、参加工作时间等统计各自的员工信息; (7)对查询,统计的结果打印输出。 ((1) the importation of all kinds of information employees, including employees of the basic information, education information, marital status and title information, etc. (2) the staff changes all kinds of information (3) for the transfer, resignation, dismissal, retirement of employee information deleted (4) in accordance with certain conditions, query, statistics eligible employees (5) at least every employee should include details of inquiries, according to marital status inquiries, academic information, job inquiries, etc. (6) should include at least according to their academic qualifications, marital status, status, statistics, etc. to participate in the working hours of their employees (7) of the query, the results of statistical printout.)
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