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  正交相移键控 (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)简称“QPSK”,是一种数字调制方式。它分为绝对相移和相对相移两种。由于绝对相移方式存在相位模糊问题,所以在实际中主要采用相对移相方式DQPSK。目前已经广泛应用于无线通信中,成为现代通信中一种十分重要的调制解调方式。(QPSK THAT IS TO SAY....)



0 个回复

  • THE_FAST_HANDOVER_RESEARCH_of_wimax_network
    说明:  本文正是在研究WIMAX/802.16e协议和FMIPv6协议的基础之 上,提出了基于FMIPv6的WIMAX网络快速切换机制,该方案采用跨 层切换的思想,MAC层联合网络层同时进行切换,在链路尚未断开 之前即完成新转交地址(NCOA)获取等功能,从而加快了切换进程, 减小了切换时延和切换时的丢包率。在提出本切换机制的基础上,本 文在NSZ仿真平台上对所提出的切换方案做了系统性的性能仿真,通 过仿真结果验证了方案的可行性和优越性。 ( In this paper, IEEE802.16e standard is described at first. Then an introduction for the basic knowledge and research in MIPv6 and FMIPv6 protocol is given. A fast handover scheme of WiMAX network which based on FMIPv6 protocol is suggested, which implements the fast handover at IP layer associating with MAC layer at the same time. scheme minimizes handover latency by predicting and preparing This the impending handover in advance. Finally, simulation are carried out to evaluate the performance of this fast handover scheme. The result of the simulation shows that the fast handover scheme has good performance. )
    2010-04-28 09:22:20下载
  • SPeech_1_1
    说明:  语音编码matlab实现程序代码(其中子程序会陆续上传)(Achieve speech coding matlab code (where the child will continue to upload))
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  • graymapping
    gray mapping code for using matlab
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  • SSC
    Library to use SCC HCC pressure sensors from Honeywell
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    Synthesizes musical notes and plays music, matlab code
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    verilog 源码 基于XILINX FPGA的ofdm通信系统基带设计(Experiment of digital signal processing: parallel filtering experiment code. I hope it will help.)
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    Matlab的创始人 C. Moler编写,网上鲜见。 诚乃大家之作,为英文版,内附70多个M文件实例解释,对于编码的品质提高很有好处(Matlab' s founder C. Moler preparation, on-line rare. We shall be sincere is for English, included more than 70 instances of M documents to explain, for improving the quality of coding is very good for)
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  • SAR
    鉴于网上合成孔径雷达的资料比较少,上传一些老师给的文献资料,希望对大家有帮助(Given the online synthetic aperture radar data is relatively small, upload some literature teacher, I hope to help everyone)
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  • ar_g
    PURPOSE: MCMC estimates Bayesian heteroscedastic AR(k) model imposing stability restrictions using Gibbs sampling y = b0 + y(t-1) b1 + y(t-2) b2 +,...,y(t-k) bk + E, E = N(0,sige*V), sige = gamma(nu,d0), b = N(c,T), V = diag(v1,v2,...vn), r/vi = ID chi(r)/r, r = Gamma(m,k)( PURPOSE: MCMC estimates Bayesian heteroscedastic AR(k) model imposing stability restrictions using Gibbs sampling y = b0+ y(t-1) b1+ y(t-2) b2+,...,y(t-k) bk+ E, E = N(0,sige*V), sige = gamma(nu,d0), b = N(c,T), V = diag(v1,v2,...vn), r/vi = ID chi(r)/r, r = Gamma(m,k))
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