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于 2013-09-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  自己编写的一个大批量不同类别数据录入程序,并且为防止因为数据量太大导致程序运行缓慢,将其改写成分批小规模数据。方便了大规模数据处理慢带来的各种不变。(I have written a large quantities of different types of data entry procedures, and because the amount of data in order to prevent too much causes the program to run slowly, be rewritten into small batches of data. Facilitate the large-scale data processing slow and the various unchanged.)



0 个回复

  • FFastICA225a
    FastICA25---快速独立分量分解算法 (FastICA25--- fast independent component decomposition algorithm)
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  • GAMS
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  • 61549809windfarms
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  • 该算法采用神经网络方法,实现功率因数的调节
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  • MIMRF-master
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