(FastmexK-meansclusteringalgorithmwithpossibilityofK-mean++initialization(mex-interfacemodifiedfromtheoriginalyaelpackagehttps://gforge.inria.fr/projects/yael)-Acceptsingle/doubleprecisioninput-SupportofBLAS/OpenMPformulti-corecomputationPleaserunmexme_yael_kmeans.mtocompilemex-files(besurethatmex-setuphavebeendoneatleastone)Rundemo"test_yael_kmeans.m") - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
首页 » matlab » Fast-K-means-clustering


于 2012-09-07 发布 文件大小:118KB
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  Fast mex K-means clustering algorithm with possibility of K-mean++ initialization (mex-interface modified from the original yael package https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/yael) - Accept single/double precision input - Support of BLAS/OpenMP for multi-core computation Please run mexme_yael_kmeans.m to compile mex-files (be sure that mex -setup have been done at least one) Run demo "test_yael_kmeans.m"(Fast mex K-means clustering algorithm with possibility of K-mean++ initialization (mex-interface modified from the original yael package https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/yael) - Accept single/double precision input - Support of BLAS/OpenMP for multi-core computation Please run mexme_yael_kmeans.m to compile mex-files (be sure that mex-setup have been done at least one) Run demo "test_yael_kmeans.m")



0 个回复

  • source-localization2
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  • astar
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