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于 2014-11-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  利用MATLAB编程,生成图像,随机生成一系列“囧”字(Using MATLAB to generate an image, a randomly generated series of " embarrassing" word)



0 个回复

  • wideFocus
    宽带聚焦的目的是通过一个聚焦变换矩阵,使得对应于不同频段的数据变换成同一个中心频率的数据,从而形成相关矩阵。这里的关键就在于聚焦矩阵的选取,不同的选择对应于不同的算法。(Focus on the purpose of broadband are focused through a transformation matrix which corresponds to a different band with the data converted into a center frequency of the data, to form the correlation matrix. The key here is to focus on the matrix selected, different options correspond to different algorithms.)
    2009-03-17 10:12:18下载
  • Process
    Signal subspace identification is a crucial first step in many hyperspectral processing algorithms such as target detection, change detection, classification, and unmixing. The identification of this subspace enables a correct dimensionality reduction, yielding gains in algorithm performance and complexity and in data storage. This paper introduces a new minimum mean square error-based approach to infer the signal subspace in hyperspectral imagery. The method, which is termed hyperspectral signal identification by minimum error, is eigen decomposition based, unsupervised, and fully automatic (i.e., it does not depend on any tuning parameters). It first estimates the signal and noise correlation matrices and then selects the subset of eigenvalues that best represents the signal subspace in the least squared error sense. State-of-the-art performance of the proposed method is illustrated by using simulated and real hyperspectral images.
    2013-01-01 20:25:49下载
  • Gestion-Employes-T.dynamique
    a programme deailing with stacks and queues and linked list
    2014-12-22 22:50:07下载
  • dss_1-0.tar
    国外的一个非常不错的图像去噪matlab代码(Abroad, a very good image denoising matlab code)
    2009-12-16 20:59:28下载
  • LSB_test
    在bmp图像中隐藏另一图像,希望对大家有用!(bmp image in another hidden images, useful for all!)
    2006-06-02 16:54:29下载
  • blms
    关于块LMS算法的程序,适用于研究自适应滤波器(block LMS algorithm on the procedures applicable to adaptive filter )
    2006-08-07 03:43:25下载
  • Fermat
    calcola enigma di fermat
    2012-08-14 05:52:22下载
  • methodology
    papers related to cross layer WSN where to find location and algorithm used in mac and phy layer
    2015-02-24 17:14:10下载
  • paper1
    Asynchronous Physical-layer Network Coding Scheme for Two-way OFDM Relay
    2015-03-23 06:57:45下载
  • MATLABNakagami
    因而本文基于MATLAB 针对Nakagami 衰落信道仿真了它的统计 特性,包括接收信号的复包络模拟和在具有最大比合并分集下的电平通过率及平均衰落持续时间的性能分析。重点在于理解和建立采用 MATLAB 进行信道信真的方法及对Nakagami 衰落信道本身统计特性的理解。(Based on MATLAB which Nakagami fading channel simulation for its statistical properties, including the received signal complex envelope simulation and has the maximum ratio combining diversity under the level crossing rate and average fade duration of the performance analysis. Emphasis is on understanding and the establishment of the channel using MATLAB and the letter is really way Nakagami fading channel statistical characteristics of their own understanding.)
    2021-03-25 16:39:13下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
  • 10今日下载