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于 2014-11-20 发布 文件大小:6866KB
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  该书概述详细介绍了系统线性规划和非线性规划相关问题,对控制领域学者具有一定的帮助。(Overview Details of the system of linear programming and nonlinear programming related issues, the control of scholars in the field have some help.)



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  • PWM
    双闭环可逆直流调速(H桥) 波形很稳定 适合用于学习(Reversible double-loop DC speed (H-bridge) is very stable waveform suitable for learning)
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  • matlabSimulinkQPSK
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  • KernelIoControl-OEMIoControl
    The system is fully preemptible when this function is called. The kernel does no processing, but it passes all parameters directly to the function supplied by you. (当这个函数被调用的时候系统完全可能被抢占,内核没有处理,直接传递参数到你提供的函数。这个我觉得说的很别扭,估计是直接传递参数到OEMIoControl )(The system is fully preemptible when this function is called The the kernel does no processing, but it passes are all the parameters directly to the function are supplied by you (When this function is called when the system is entirely possible to seize the kernel did not deal directly pass parameters to the function you provide. I think that is very awkward, and is estimated to pass parameters directly to OEMIoControl))
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