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于 2012-09-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  CACAL Calibration routine for computing the camera parameters. The initial values are solved by using the DLT method and the final parameter values are obtained iteratively



0 个回复

  • OFDM_Simulation
    this file is the program for ofdm
    2010-07-19 16:00:10下载
  • untitled
    参数为:载波频率f0为20MHz,采样频率为4倍f0,脉宽为1us ,脉冲周期为20us 。其中:(Parameters: carrier frequency f0 is 20MHz, the sampling frequency is 4 times f0, a pulse width of 1us, the pulse period is 20us. Of which:)
    2013-10-05 19:50:28下载
  • Image-Classification
    本文实现了09年CVPR的文章Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification(This package contains the Matlab codes implementing the ScSPM algorithm described in CVPR 09 paper "Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification". )
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  • mean_shift_matlab
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    bpsk in Rayleigh fading
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