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于 2013-09-17 发布 文件大小:792KB
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  基于Visual C++实现的局域网象棋游戏,Socket通信,多线程。(design the chess game by use Visual C++ , Socket technology, Mutil Thread.)



0 个回复

  • 0206220330
    一个用Visal C++编写的俄罗斯方块小程序。(A used Visal C++ Prepared Tetris applet.)
    2008-07-15 08:44:06下载
  • wuziqiyouxi
    五子棋游戏,实现人工智能。单机游戏和多机游戏实现过程。(Backgammon games, achieve artificial intelligence. Single and multi-game machine game implementation process.)
    2013-12-09 19:04:44下载
    Very Simple Chinese Chess Program
    2011-10-14 00:17:02下载
  • gobang
    最近做了个小游戏五子棋,两人对战类,是用VC,EasyX做的,在网上只能找到EasyX做的贪吃蛇,俄罗斯方块,没有五子棋,自己做了一个。我学C高级期末成绩就是做这个,可以显示出两人的思考时间,可以不断开局,主要是源代码大家可以学习一下..希望与大家多交流。(Easyx我也放在压缩包里了,自己安装一下)(Recently made a small game backgammon, two arcade, with VC, EasyX do, do online can only find EasyX Snake, Tetris, there is no backgammon, he had made one. I learned C high end performance is to do this, thinking they can show the time, you can continue to start, mainly to the source code you can learn more about .. hope we can communicate. (Easyx I put compression bag, and he installed it))
    2011-07-12 12:16:42下载
  • FiveChess
    网络版的VB五子棋,CS结构,含游戏大厅.(Online version of the VB backgammon, CS structures, including the game lobby.)
    2013-08-03 22:35:13下载
  • 5-CCMJ
    网狐6.6长春麻将源码Changchun mahjong source network Fox 6.6(Changchun mahjong source network Fox 6.6)
    2011-10-06 14:54:07下载
  • card
    2009-03-09 14:38:45下载
  • renjixiaqi
    人机下棋:在3×3棋盘上,计算机为一方,用户为一方,交替画“X”和“O”,在行、列、对角线上谁先练成一条直线谁就获得胜利。用类的思想完成,具体功能要求如下: (1)状态显示:计算机可正确显示棋盘,给出提示信息和胜负判断。 (2)用户选择:用户可以选择是先下还是后下,并选择棋子是“X”还是“O”。 (3)每一步都用图形化方式顺序输出 (Man-machine chess: on the 3 X 3 board, the computer for one party, the user for a party, draw an X and O alternately, in the row, column and diagonal who practice who would win in a straight line. Finish, with the ideas of the class specific functional requirements are as follows: (1) status display: the computer can correctly display board, giving prompt information and the outcome of judgment. (2) the user choice: the user can next is first or after, and the pieces is a X or O .)
    2020-07-04 13:00:02下载
  • C_lanugae_BlackAndWhiteGames
    黑白棋小程序的源代码,黑白棋的是一种智力游戏,采用了C++来实现这一种经典游戏(Othello applet source code, Othello is a mental game, using the C++ to achieve this a classic game)
    2010-12-23 14:10:49下载
  • Backgammon
    五子棋是有两个人在一盘棋上进行对抗的竞技运动。在对局开始时,先由用户选择哪方先开局,先开局一方将一枚棋子落在一点上,然后由另一方在对方棋周围的交叉点上落子,如此轮流落子,直到某一方首先在棋盘的直线、横线或斜线上形成连续的五子则该方就算获胜。此时,算法结束。当有任何一方想退出时,都可在算法中实现。(Backgammon is a competitive sport confrontation of two people in a game of chess. At the beginning of the game, the first users to choose which side first start, first start the party will be a pawn falls point, and then by the other party on the other chess around the intersection of Lazi, so turns Lazi, until the party first the chessboard straight, horizontal or diagonal to form a continuous five sons even if the party wins. In this case, the algorithm ends. When either party wishes to withdraw from, can be realized in the algorithm.)
    2012-11-05 20:18:00下载
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