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于 2020-06-30 发布 文件大小:1938KB
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  对正方体的进行移动、比例和旋转变换,并显示透视或平行投影结果。(Of the cube to move, scale and rotation, perspective or parallel projection and display the results.)







0 个回复

  • Hacker_Disassemble_Uncovered
    Kris Kaspersky对他的书做过一个总结,以下是关于这本书《黑客反汇编揭秘》的: Солон是一家不大的出版社,里面氛围很是温馨,团队关系密切、融洽,只是能力尚有不够。我可不会满足于此。我打开了美国市场, 与出版社A-LIST进行了合作。在“讲述基本原理”的指导思想下以紧凑的篇幅编写并翻译了这本后来成为best-seller的书《HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED》,这是我到目前为止卖得最好的书。我还客串了一把翻译技术顾问,但是我还没试过自己用英语进行写作。(Kris Kaspersky his book made a summing up, the following about this book are a " hacker disassembly Secret" in: Солон is a small publishing house, which was a warm atmosphere, the team close and harmonious, but the capacity still not enough. I can not meet this. I opened the American market, with the publishing house A-LIST cooperation. At " about the basic principles of" the guiding ideology of the space under the compact prepared and translated it later became the best-seller book of the " HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED" , This is my best-selling book so far. I also had a guest Translate technical adviser, but I have not tried to carry out their own writing in English.)
    2009-03-23 20:58:53下载
  • EZW2
    利用零树小波的概念,完成了对静态图像的编码与解码,经过调试的。(The use of the concept of zerotree wavelet completed on the static image encoding and decoding, after debugging.)
    2008-06-26 09:03:38下载
    关于紫外光语音通信系统的大气信道的仿真程序(MATLAB实现)(UV-voice communications systems on the atmospheric channel simulation program (MATLAB implementation))
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  • AsyncToolsfortheAsyncMinded
    window下 出口同步通信工具,提供c++源码,说明详细(window exporting synchronous communication tools, c++ source code, specify details)
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  • genetic-algorithm
    遗传算法可用于优化计算,C++,lingo都可用(Genetic algorithms can be used for optimization, C++, lingo are available)
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  • QueuingSystem
    C++与MFC结合以实现的餐厅桌号预订系统(基本功能有:1、 餐厅提供小,中,大三种餐位;2. 每种餐位若干,每个餐位都有相应的编号;)3. 每种餐位使用收取的费用不同; 4. 每位客人根据就餐人数选择不同类型的餐位,系统则根据等待人数给用户生成一个等待号码,显示客人当前排号以及在他之前有多少位客人在等待。 5. 不同类型餐位都有自己的一个等待列,为客人生成的号码互不影响; 6. 支持查询指定号码所在的餐位; 7. 实现日志功能(记录每天所有餐位的使用状况,收入); 8.客人可以动态查看当前餐位使用情况(每种餐位当前排到多少号等) (C++ with MFC combined to realize the restaurant the table No. booking system (basic functions: 1, the restaurant offers a small, three seats 2 bits of each meal, each seating has a corresponding number ) each seating fees charged each guest to choose different types of seating dining number, wait for the number to the user-generated a waiting number the show guests Arranging and before him the number of The guests in the waiting. 5 different types of seats has its own a waiting column the guests generated numbers independently of each other 6. Support to query specified number where seats 7 log function (recording daily use for all seats, income) 8. Guests can dynamically view the current usage of seating (each seating routed to what number, etc.))
    2012-12-26 13:30:47下载
  • CHAP40
    There is no souse code. Just trash
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    VC++实现的多线程系统清理程序,可清理系统垃圾文件,使用的是多线程技术,有必要一看,内核仿360的(VC++ implementation of the multi-threaded system cleaning program can clean up the system junk files, using multi-threading technology, it is necessary to look, kernel imitation 360)
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