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于 2014-11-18 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  matlab空间后方交会程序 实现空间后方交会程序(matlab space resection procedure)



0 个回复

  • network-of-matlab-toolbox
    matlab神经网络工具箱中的函数用法的介绍(the introduction of the Matlab neural network toolbox function usage)
    2012-08-11 17:21:17下载
  • Numerical.Analysis
    matlab数值模拟,外文教材!欢迎来联合开发网下载!(matlab simulation, foreign language teaching! Welcome to the Joint Development Network download!)
    2013-10-26 12:38:01下载
  • PTS_Papr_V4
    说明:  OFDM信号的PTS算法,用于降低峰均比,v=4,64QAM调制,子载波数可以自己调整(Partial Transfer Sequence Algorithms)
    2019-04-24 15:13:52下载
  • kalmanfilter
    卡尔曼滤波算法,英文文章原文,适合初学者。(Kalman filter algorithm, the English text, suitable for beginners.)
    2010-03-11 20:04:49下载
  • jis
    jis0208日文编码数组,使用时将高字节减去0X20,低字节减去0X20,(jis0208 Japanese encoded array, use the high byte minus 0X20, low byte minus 0X20,)
    2013-08-15 14:10:08下载
  • fuzyPID
    模糊PID程序,很好用的哦,快来下载,来把来吧(Fuzzy PID program, the good, oh, come download to the Come)
    2014-02-12 19:20:58下载
    说明:  滑模控制,基于速度环的控制改进算法,滑模控制是变结构控制,又是非线性控制算法,应用于电机领域(Sliding mode control is an improved control algorithm based on speed loop. Sliding mode control is a variable structure control and a non-linear control algorithm, which is applied in the field of motor)
    2021-04-26 15:18:45下载
  • kmltoolbox_v1.4
    基于这个类的工具箱允许你创建在“Google地球”,许多不同的地块,由自动创建所需的基于XML的KML文件,而无需用户交互。 有了它,您可以创建: - 线图,散点图 - 二维和三维轮廓 - 2D和3D多边形 - 颤动地块 - 写在一个特定点的文本 - 将三维模型 - 覆盖图像 - 为图像传输更复杂的数字 - 文件夹,子文件夹,... 总相似图 - 动画三维模型到一个预定义的轨迹 安装到您的MATLAB路径工具箱,工具箱目录,并运行: >> kml.install 现在,每个功能和可用的参数文件。要查看帮助,在MATLAB中运行: >> kmldoc 或 >> kmldoc kml.plot%或任何其他可用的地块 如果你喜欢它,只是给我发电子邮件在说什么你使用它:) kml@rafael.aero。 灵感来自于原来的Google地球工具箱,但使用XML对象实现的,这使得它更容易使用。我只是检查在MATLAB 2011a释放,但它应该在旧版本的工作太... (让我知道如果不!)(Based on this class allows you to create a" toolbox in Google earth", many different plots, created automatically by the XML based on the KML file, without the need for user interaction. With it, you can create: - line graphs, scatter diagram -2D and 3D contour - 2D and3D polygon - fibrillation plots - written at a particular point in the text - the three-dimensional model - cover image For more complex digital image transmission Folder, subfolders, total similarity graph ... - Animated3D model into a predefined trajectory Install to your path to the MATLAB toolbox, toolbox directory, and run: > > kml.install Now, each function and the available parameter file. To view the help, running in the MATLAB: > > kmldoc Or > > kmldoc kml.plot or any other available plots If you like it, just email me say in what you use it ): kml@rafael.aero. Inspiration from the original Google earth toolbox, but using the XML object is achieved, which makes it easier to )
    2012-05-02 20:26:22下载
  • fmt
    fm signal in matlab code
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  • 2D_Mesh_Generator
    Generates 2d triangular mesh
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