运用分枝定界法求解混合整数规划的matlab程序( Use the branch and bound method for solving mixed integer programming procedures meaning of the of the input parameters: min f* x A* x < = b Aeq* x = beq iter_num_max: maximum number of iterations lb : each variable lower limit UB: upper limit of the each variable X0: Initial ID: 0,1 variable, ID (k) = 1 indicates the variable k is an integer variable, ID (k) = 0, represents the k variable non-integer variable ftemp_up: initial upper bound, unable to find the upper bound of the initial default is infinite IP: initial feasible solution, the initial feasible solution can not be found, the default is the empty output parameters meaning: x: y: optimal solution of the objective function value corresponding to the optimal solution time-consuming iter_num: the number of iterations of the entire branch and bound process Time: Run this program)