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  examples about mpi running under matlab



0 个回复

  • matlab-impedance
    通过Matlab编程计算实现的多类微波传输线阻抗在不同条件下阻抗值的计算.(Matlab programming by calculation of the multi-class microwave transmission line impedance under different conditions impedance calculations.)
    2010-09-15 09:34:05下载
  • zishiyingpuxianzengqiangqi
    将正弦波与宽带噪声分离开来,并提取正弦波信号(The sine wave and separated from the broadband noise, and extract the sine wave signal)
    2010-06-21 16:16:19下载
  • FS
    说明:  一个新的智能算法Free Search的Matlab源码(A new intelligent algorithm Free Search of the Matlab source)
    2010-11-10 19:38:57下载
  • FitDataToALogisticFunction
    在这项工作中所使用的方法是基于一个由大卫阿诺德教程。 http://online.redwoods.cc.ca.us/instruct/darnold/diffeq/logistic/logistic.pdf 这将运行该Logistic.m带来了图形用户界面。 1。放弃在列的格式文本文件中的x值 2。放弃在山口格式文本文件中的y值 3。的阴谋初始 按钮将绘制的分布 4。 查找适合 按钮,会找到最适合 5。 重置 将删除的情节(虽然我想打扫所有的领域 -没有时间) 5。地下K,糖尿病在下列公式中的值 Ÿ 等于k/(1+进出口(- G *的(十型录))) 6。上证所给出了squred误差之间的拟合函数与实际数据的总和 7。消委会提供的相关合作关系的实际数据拟合功能和效率(The method used in this work is based on a tutorial by David Arnold. http://online.redwoods.cc.ca.us/instruct/darnold/diffeq/logistic/logistic.pdf RUN The Logistic.m this will bring up the GUI. 1. Give the x values on a text file in column format 2. Give the y values on a text file in col format 3. Plot Initial Button will plot the distribution 4. Find Fit button will find the best fit 5. Reset will remove the plot (Although I wanted to clean all the fields- did not have time) 5. K, G, Dm are the values in the following equation y = K./(1+exp(-G*(x-Dm))) 6. SSE gives the sum of squred error between the fitted function and the actual data 7. CC give the correlation co-efficient between the fitted function and actual data)
    2011-05-15 18:06:06下载
  • neural-network-theory-and--code
    提供神经网络的pdf和重要m文件编码, MATLAB工具箱的神经网络理论与应用程序源代码 丛爽编,国科学技术大学出版社(Neural networks and provide important m pdf file encoding, MATLAB toolbox neural network theory and application source code compiled Cong Shuang, State University of Science and Technology Publishing House)
    2014-09-26 10:17:16下载
  • small_image
    MATLAB实现的高光谱图像的端元提取,可以自己下载高光谱图像,然后修改下程序就能用了。(MATLAB implementation of hyperspectral image endmember extraction of hyperspectral images can download and modify the following program can be used.)
    2021-04-19 20:58:51下载
  • fastmult
    nice document about the fast manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays in matlab,with some examples to avoid loops and using indices
    2009-05-26 04:53:06下载
  • programe
    胡广书例题matlab源程序,每章节均有,比较精彩(Hu Guangshu Examples Matlab source files, each chapter is more exciting)
    2007-05-04 14:01:43下载
  • MinEnergeOrbit
    可生成从任意点发射攻击全球任意点的一条最小能量弹道,并确定关机点参数。(Can generate a minimum energy trajectory launch attacks from any point to any point worldwide, and to determine the shutdown point parameters.)
    2014-09-09 12:40:15下载
  • laser-resonator
    用fox-li数值迭代法模拟模拟激光谐振腔的振荡过程并计算最终的稳态分布(Using fox-li iterative numerical simulation simulate laser resonator oscillation process and calculate the final steady-state distribution)
    2013-10-19 10:56:31下载
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