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于 2013-03-23 发布 文件大小:8065KB
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  用于课程设计 利用Dijkstra算法进行简单的最短路径查询 (For curriculum design simple shortest path query)



0 个回复

  • Anorldi
    关于Arnoldi算法的今年来的中文资料,希望能够给有兴趣编写这方面算法的人提供帮助(Arnoldi algorithm on the Chinese data this year, hoping to write this algorithm are interested in helping people)
    2011-10-22 10:26:34下载
  • 1
    说明:  顺序表的基本操作:1. 编写函数,输入一组整型元素序列,建立一个顺序表。 2. 编写函数,实现对该顺序表的遍历。 3. 编写函数,在顺序表中进行顺序查找某一元素,查找成功则返回其存储位置i,否则返回错误信息。 4. 编写函数,实现在顺序表的第i个位置上插入一个元素x的算法。 5. 编写函数,实现删除顺序表中第i个元素的算法。 6. 编写利用有序表插入算法建立一个有序表的函数。 7. 编写函数,利用以上算法,建立两个非递减有序表,并把它们合并成一个非递减有序表。 8. 编写函数,实现输入一个元素x,把它插入到有序表中,使顺序表依然有序。 9. 编写一个主函数,在主函数中设计一个简单的菜单,分别调试上述算法。 (The basic operation of the order form)
    2010-06-15 18:15:32下载
  • Task1-trial--10211281--zly
    描述:足球俱乐部包括球员、普通行政人员。球员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪、转会费、进球总数、服役年限等重要参数;普通行政人员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪等参数。你需要给相关管理机构开发一个管理程序,实现对众多足球俱乐部管理的基本功能。具体功能包括: a) 俱乐部的增删改查,俱乐部的属性包括名称、现金、其下人员; b) 可以对所有球员的各项属性进行简单搜索,支持输入多个条件,条件之间用&&连接,例如: i. “年龄不大于25且服役年限大于5年且进球数大于100的球员”,查询表达式:!(@age>25) && @experience>5 && @kick>100 c) 支持球员在不同俱乐部间的买卖,买卖需符合以下条件:作为买方的俱乐部的现金>=球员的转会费,交易完成后,卖方将得到转会费。 要求: d) 必须采用面向对象的方式,使用类组织数据结构,并注意类的继承关系; e) 在题目要求基础上可以自行扩展功能,提供扩实用扩展功能者适当加分(加分不超过5分)。 (Description: Football club including players, general administrative staff. Player name, age, ability, salary, transfer fee, total number of goals, service life and other important parameters ordinary administrative staff name, age, ability, salary and other parameters. You need to give the relevant management agencies to develop a management program to achieve the number of football club management s basic functions. Specific features include: a) the club CRUD, the name of the club s property, including cash, under which personnel b) all players can perform a simple search of the property, supports input multiple conditions with && connection between conditions, for example: i. "Age is not greater than 25 and greater than 5 years service life and goals more than 100 players," query expression:! (@ age> 25) && @ experience> 5 && @ kick> 100 c) Support the players traded between different clubs, the sale subject to the following conditions: As a buyer s club cash> = pl)
    2013-08-20 10:09:29下载
  • hellow4
    序列二次规划算法,能求解包含约束和无约束的问题,非常方便。(Sequential quadratic programming algorithm to solve constrained and unconstrained contain the problem, very convenient.)
    2021-01-08 18:18:51下载
  • Hash
    基于Hash表的程序同源性分析,可以利用本程序进行两个程序源码比较相似度(Homology analysis Hash Table-based program, you can use the program two program source code similarity)
    2012-11-04 16:45:04下载
  • jose
    约瑟夫环(约瑟夫问题)是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。通常解决这类问题时我们把编号从0~n-1,最后结果+1即为原问题的解。 (Josephus (Josephus problem) is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (with numbers 1,2,3 ... n respectively) sitting around a round table. From the number of people gettin k, number of the m man out of the line he s the next person and a number of gettin number to m the man was out of the line and so the law is repeated until the round table were all out of the column. We numbered 0 ~ n-1, the final result is the original problem solution+1 usually solve these problems.)
    2015-01-09 17:28:41下载
  • zhebanchazhao
    实现折半查找,非递归形式,从而实现数据结构所要的结果。(To achieve binary search, the non-recursive form)
    2012-08-29 12:35:25下载
  • ggg
    mfc 连接数据库 用mfc做的管理系统,戏中包括数据库连接(mfc connect to the database)
    2012-08-22 17:08:04下载
  • strap_down_inertial_navigation
    说明:  捷联系统C语言实现算法,已经过实验验证。(SINS C language algorithm, has been verified by tests.)
    2008-11-20 16:50:37下载
  • huffmancode
    哈夫曼编码程序,实现计算编码学中哈夫曼编码程序的源代码。(Huffman coding procedures, the realization of computing science Huffman encoding procedure s source code.)
    2008-01-14 13:55:11下载
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