

于 2013-10-22 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  matlab学习资料,讲述了在matlab下如何计算阶乘。(matlab learning materials, about how to calculate the factorial in matlab.)



0 个回复

  • Data_Driven_Fitting
    数据驱动自适应程序,可用于处理各种时间序列(Can be used to deal with a variety of time series data-driven adaptive)
    2011-06-28 10:20:40下载
  • kaermanFilter
    实现卡尔曼滤波功能,建立了一个对位置观测的系统,同时加入了速度噪声,完成了Matlab的仿真。(Kalman filtering, established a system of observation position, while adding speed noise, completed the Matlab simulation.)
    2014-07-10 18:39:39下载
  • MatlabFIR
    FIR数字滤波器广泛应用在数字通信系统中,研究其实现方法具有重要意义。Matlab功能强大,利用Matlab辅 助设计DSP应用程序,可大大缩短DSP应用程序的开发时间。介绍了Matlab和CCS及DSP的连接,说明了利用Matlab辅 助DSP实现FIR数字滤波器的过程,及如何在Matlab环境中调试DSP程序,给出了实现结果,并把该结果和单纯在Matlab 环境下实现结果进行比较,前者效果更好,更具有实际应用价值。 (FIR digital filters widely used in digital communication systems, research methods of their realization of great significance. Matlab is powerful DSP using Matlab-aided design applications, can greatly shorten the DSP application development time. Describes the Matlab and CCS and DSP connections, shows DSP using Matlab support the process of realization of FIR digital filters, and how to debug in the Matlab environment, DSP program, are given to achieve results, and to the results and simple in the Matlab environment, achieved results are compared, the former better, more practical application value.)
    2009-12-11 21:01:37下载
  • TV_resto
    PM模型是由日本大阪心理学家三愚二不二在前人的基础上创建的,本程序通过MATLAB实现该模型。(The PM model is created on the basis of the previous three stupid two Fuji of Japan s Osaka psychologist, the program MATLAB to implement the model.)
    2012-05-03 22:57:34下载
  • MATLAB在振动信号处理中的应用
    说明:  基于matlab的振动数据处理教程及源代码(Matlab based vibration data processing tutorial and source code)
    2020-04-11 09:59:05下载
  • 因子分析
    说明:  matlab入门教程之因子分析,适合初学者上手(Matlab introductory course of factor analysis, suitable for beginners)
    2021-01-12 21:48:14下载
  • sqp
    SQP方法详细介绍,好东西啊,想认真学习matlab的认真看下。。(Details SQP method, a good thing, ah, would like to study matlab serious look. .)
    2011-04-25 22:44:21下载
  • yichuansuanfa
    遗传算法求最优解,可以运行,非常好的例子,可以学习一下,附有注释(Genetic algorithms for the optimal solution, you can run, very good example, you can learn about, annotated)
    2014-09-04 11:30:33下载
  • screentext
    screen to text is used to convert image to text...
    2015-03-19 22:39:40下载
  • LFC-main
    说明:  负荷频率控制(LFC)是调整系统的频率达到额定值(如50HZ)或/和维持区域联络线交换功率为计划值。频率稳定是电力系统电能质量的一个重要指标。负荷的任意突然变化都有可能导致系统间联络线交换功率的偏差及系统频率的波动。因此,为保证电能质量,需要一个负荷频率控制(load frequency control,LFC)系统,该系统的目的是将系统频率维持在标称值并且尽可能使控制区域之间的未计划的联络线交换功率最小。(Load frequency control (LFC) is to adjust the frequency of the system to reach the rated value (such as 50 Hz) or / and maintain the exchange power of the regional tie line to the planned value. Frequency stability is an important index of power quality in power system. Any sudden change of load may lead to the deviation of power exchange between tie lines and the fluctuation of system frequency. Therefore, in order to ensure the power quality, a load frequency control (LFC) system is needed. The purpose of the system is to maintain the system frequency at the nominal value and minimize the unplanned tie line exchange power between the control areas.)
    2021-03-17 19:38:19下载
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