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于 2011-10-30 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  一个描述FDTD的二维程序,对初学者很有帮助。(A description of two-dimensional FDTD program, useful for beginners.)



0 个回复

  • anneal
    This an anneal in Matlab
    2009-01-03 18:44:22下载
  • zipSUSAN
    这是一个SUSAN算法实现, 对图像处理中的边,角等特征保留和图像降噪方面有着重要的应用(SUSAN This is an algorithm for image processing side, angle and other characteristics of the retention and image denoising has important applications)
    2009-01-08 12:27:00下载
  • MedianFilter_new_2010
    Matlab allows the use of MEX files –MEX files are pre-compiled files that are called from Matlab –Can be compiled from Matlab .m files –Can also be compiled from external C++ code. • This will be our focus
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    电力系统行业配网37节点feeder34,用于配电网规划(Feeder34 power systems industry with a network of 37 nodes for distribution network planning)
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  • fuzzy_pid_withdis
    Under the circumstances of pure lag in feedback control system and the imprecision of the controlled object model, the fuzzy logic and pure lag compensation theory is used to design a Fuzzy PI-Smith control system . By the Simulink toolbox and Fuzzy logic toolbox of MATLAB, the system has been simulated. The simulation results show that the Fuzzy PI-Smith system has faster response speed and smaller overshoot than the traditional PI-Smith system.The explicit formulation of Fuzzy PI-Smith system is derived, and it lay the basis for the practical application of control algorithms.strategy can do well in controlling the tail temperature. And the FuzzyPI-Smith system can get better dynamic characteristic and effectively overcome the problems by pure lag with the traditional ( Under the circumstances of pure lag in feedback control system and the imprecision of the controlled object model, the fuzzy logic and pure lag compensation theory is used to design a Fuzzy PI-Smith control system . By the Simulink toolbox and Fuzzy logic toolbox of MATLAB, the system has been simulated. The simulation results show that the Fuzzy PI-Smith system has faster response speed and smaller overshoot than the traditional PI-Smith system.The explicit formulation of Fuzzy PI-Smith system is derived, and it lay the basis for the practical application of control algorithms. strategy can do well in controlling the tail temperature. And the FuzzyPI-Smith system can get better dynamic characteristic and effectively overcome the problems by pure lag with the traditional )
    2013-05-20 11:26:54下载
  • SeisLab
    MATLAB地震工具箱,包括地震勘探领域的常用算法,数据读取,剖面显示等(Seislab by matlab)
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  • zuiduanlusuanf
    Dijkstra最短路算法 flod算法:求任意两点之间的最短路.可以把矩阵直接带进去求解。(Dijkstra shortest path algorithm flod algorithm: seeking the shortest path between any two points. Can be brought directly into the matrix to solve.)
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  • susp
    Vehicle suspesnion dynamics analysis using simulink model
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