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于 2013-03-22 发布 文件大小:5KB
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   Survival times are data that measure follow-up time from a defined starting point to the occurrence of a given event, for example the time from the beginning to the end of a remission period or the time from the diagnosis of a disease to death. Standard statistical techniques cannot usually be applied because the underlying distribution is rarely Normal and the data are often ‘censored’. A survival time is described as censored when there is a follow-up time but the event has not yet occurred or is not known to have occurred. For example, if remission time is being studied and the patient is still in remission at the end of the study, then that patient’s remission time would be censored. If a patient for some reason drops out of a study before the end of the study period, then that patient’s follow-up time would also be considered to be



0 个回复

  • QAM16_OFDM
    This tile is the 16-QAM modulator for OFDM system s signal.
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  • oo-ELM
    优化的基线学习机,收敛速度快,可用于分类和拟合(The baseline learning machine optimization, fast convergence speed, and can be used for classification and curve fitting)
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  • mdl
    fuzzy logic is a good controller
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  • U
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    2009-06-06 21:49:57下载
  • gyh
    详解MATLAB在最优化计算中的应用中第11章的源码。没有的可以下载(Detailed MATLAB source in the optimization calculation of Chapter 11. Not available for download)
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  • cost20_m
    this project s about smart antennas
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