This program is play and summary an video.
Also, this support various codecs.
- 2014-09-22 09:50:28下载
- 积分:1
这是学习麦克风阵列信号处理的好资料,希望大家会喜欢。(this is good book ,you will need for yourself ,i hope you will like it.)
- 2014-11-02 18:09:39下载
- 积分:1
说明: 涂层物质中的电磁脉冲特性与雷达截面减缩,涂层物质中的电磁脉冲特性与雷达截面减缩(Radar Cross Section Reduction and Characteristic of Electromagnetic Pulse in Antiradar Coating M aterial
- 2010-08-11 16:34:09下载
- 积分:1
适合于刚刚工作的同学们(In the workplace should be noted that a variety of matters suitable for the work of fellow students just)
- 2009-11-25 11:00:12下载
- 积分:1
MATLABC数学函数库在C语言中的应用(MATLABC math library in C language)
- 2012-10-08 10:08:01下载
- 积分:1
基于脉冲测距引信的工作原理,应用MATLAB仿真软件,对脉冲测距引信系统进行设计(Based on the principle of pulse ranging fuze, using MATLAB simulation software, pulse ranging fuze system design)
- 2013-05-18 15:22:58下载
- 积分:1
雷达信号到达角估计的MATLAB代码,进行了多参数的对比仿真和结果比较(Radar signal DOA estimation MATLAB code for the comparison of simulation and multi-parameter comparison results)
- 2011-06-19 08:57:14下载
- 积分:1
学习的一个产物,供大家作为实验的参考,不好的地方见谅(A product of learning for us as a reference experiment, where poor excuse me)
- 2010-05-12 10:43:30下载
- 积分:1
gsl具有强大的矩阵运算,信号分析功能,使用gsl提供的库文件能加速vc开发复杂的数学运算,摆脱对MATLAB的依赖(gsl own powerful function of matrix operations and signal analysis , use the gsl provided library files,you can speed up the development of complex mathematical operations vc, get rid of dependence on the MATLAB)
- 2010-07-25 20:26:23下载
- 积分:1
适合用来学习模糊控制的源码。模糊自适应PID效果是非常不错。PID控制器,一种工业控制方式,比例积分微分控制规律(控制器数学模型G(S)=比例+微分+积分),经常用P表示比例,用I表示积分,用D表示微分。(Suitable for learning fuzzy control of the source. Fuzzy adaptive PID effect is very good. PID controller, an industrial control, PID control law (mathematical model of the controller G (S) = ratio of+ differential+ points), often expressed by P ratio, with the points I said, with the D that differential.)
- 2011-04-26 11:29:16下载
- 积分:1