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于 2012-08-31 发布 文件大小:46KB
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  Exercice about limit cycle in chaos theory. This is equation for glycolytic.



0 个回复

  • demogsrp
    in this program I have simulated GSRP method for reducing dimension of iris data.
    2012-05-27 18:06:31下载
  • ThreeStepSearch
    运动估计中的经典三步搜索法源码以及实验结果,直接能用。(Motion Estimation of the classic three-step search method and experimental results of source, can be used directly.)
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  • ATK-Framworker
    Achievo ATK 是一个以提升开发速度为其核心目标的业务框架。该框架的所有部分都以减少应用程序代码为目标。它没有提供大量工具类以实现广泛的功能,而是提供了一个通用 框架来减少代码。所有新增特性都经过慎重考虑 — 只有它们在某些地方能够降低开发时间才添加。 Achievo ATK 新特性的添加在某种程度上来说是一种演进式开发。没有专门负责开发新特性的团队;而是基于使用该框架的应用程序的要求来对其进行扩展。 (Achievo ATK is an upgrade to speed the development of the core objectives of the operational framework. The framework All parts are to reduce application code as a target. It did not provide a large number of tools to achieve the broad category of the function, but to provide a general framework to reduce code. All these new properties are the result of careful consideration- they are only in certain areas to reduce the development time to add. Achievo ATK new properties added to a certain extent, this is an evolutionary development. Not specifically responsible for the development of new properties team; It is based on the use of the framework of the application's requirements for its expansion.)
    2007-01-12 15:41:02下载
  • mod8
    8th system control of a drilling oil system
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  • chapter11_1
    matlab教材中经典的语音增强算法,voice enhancement 先读入语音文件,然后计算前后信噪比,最后画出波形。(The classic textbook matlab speech enhancement algorithms, voice enhancement before reading the speech file, and then calculate the signal to noise ratio before and after the final draw waveforms. )
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  • Ingrid-Daubechies
    Ingrid Daubechies《小波十讲》(中文版)具体电子数目及应用(Ingrid Daubechies, "Ten Lectures on Wavelets" (Chinese version), the number of electrons and)
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    用MATLAB实现的vibe算法,内有测试视频(use matlab to program the vibe Algorithm)
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  • music
    用于雷达阵列信号的处理,比较经典的music算法,对大家会有帮助的(Used in radar array signal processing, algorithms with classical music, will be helpful to everyone)
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