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于 2013-10-21 发布 文件大小:279KB
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  用lbp实现纹理特征提取,并分类说明: 一共有三个m文件,一个是lbp.m, 存放主要的lbp算法, 一个是getmapping,用以做算法的辅助函数, 一个是lbptest.m,存放着测试代码。 这三个文件需要放到同一个文件夹,并在文件夹中添加相应的图片, 具体的图片名字见lbptest.m的代码,运行lbptest.m可以查看结果。代码最后给出效果图 这三个文件是最传统的LBP方法,有256种。(With lbp achieve texture feature extraction and classification Description: A total of three m files, one is lbp.m, store the main lbp algorithm, One is getmapping, helper functions for doing arithmetic, One is lbptest.m, kept the test code. These three documents need to put the same folder, and add the appropriate folder, pictures, See lbptest.m specific name of the picture of the code, run lbptest.m can view the results. Finally renderings code These three documents are the most traditional LBP method, there are 256 kinds.)






0 个回复

  • encrypt-a-decrypt
    encryption and decryption of image using bit XOR..
    2013-08-14 18:17:31下载
  • anisodiff2D
    运用Perona-Malik各项异性扩散模型对二维图像进行去噪处理。该方法在有效的抑制噪声的同时能够保护图像的边缘。(The use of Perona-Malik Anisotropic Diffusion Model for the treatment of two-dimensional image denoising. The method in the effective suppression of noise at the same time to protect the edge of the image.)
    2008-07-16 20:55:53下载
  • Graph_Syncretize
    说明:  包括IHS,PCA Fusio,加权图像融合算法的Matlab源代码!主要运用在GSM中卫星图像处理,里面有例子图片,可以清晰的看见处理效果!(including IHS, PCA Fusio, the weighted image fusion algorithms Matlab source code! The main use of the GSM satellite image processing, there are examples of photographs, can clearly see the effect!)
    2020-09-02 16:08:08下载
  • watermark
    说明:  用matlab工具去除照片中水印,去除水印快速,简单,快速(Using Matlab tool to remove watermarks in photos is fastly, simplely.)
    2020-06-19 04:20:01下载
  • LBP
    说明:  人脸识别提出的LBP特征计算程序,简单实用的特征,可以得到统计的直方图特征(LBP features of face recognition proposed by the calculation procedure, simple and practical features of the histogram statistics can be characteristic of)
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  • sar-ksvd
    基于kscd算法的合成孔径雷达图像压缩。(Based on kscd algorithm synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image compression.)
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  • sift-introduction
    SIFT特征匹配算法是目前国内外特征点匹配研究领域的热点与难点,其匹配能力较强,可以处理两幅图像之间发生平移、旋转、仿射变换情况下的匹配问题,甚至在某种程度上对任意角度拍摄的图像也具备较为稳定的特征匹配能力。该算法目前外文资料较多,但中文方面的介绍较少.(SIFT feature matching algorithm is at home and abroad feature points matching hot area of ​ ​ research and difficulties in its matching capability that can handle between the two images, translation, rotation, the matching problem in the case of affine transformation, and even to some extent have a relatively stable feature of the ability to match images taken on any angle. The algorithm is more foreign materials, but the Chinese introduction less.)
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  • coif11
    软硬阈值及软硬阈值折中法对bumps信号去噪,另外包含信噪比以及均方误差的求解。(Soft and hard threshold and soft and hard threshold compromise the bumps signal denoising, the other contains the signal to noise ratio and mean square error to solve.)
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