针对目前流行的一种文件格式segy 处理的软件包,( Since the original SEG Y Data Exchange Format [revision 0, reference page 45] was published in 1975 it has achieved widespread usage within the geophysical industry. This widespread usage has brought about many proprietary variations. Since the publication of SEG Y rev 0, the nature of seismic data acquisition, processing and seismic hardware has changed significantly. The introduction of 3-D acquisition techniques and high speed, high capacity recording media dictate the need for revisions to the SEG Y rev 0 format. The major changes introduced by SEG Y rev 1 are: standardizing the location of header information needed for current processing practices and defining a SEG Y data set as a byte stream format. The SEG Technical Standards Committee strongly encourages producers and users of SEG Y data sets to move to the revised standard in an expeditious fashion. )
.......\htm" target=_blank>LICENSE
.......\htm" target=_blank>README
.......\htm" target=_blank>README_OCTAVE
.......\htm" target=_blank>README_STANDALONE
.......\htm" target=_blank>REVISION
.......\htm" target=_blank>TODO