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于 2013-03-20 发布 文件大小:1KB
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0 个回复

  • Jordan
    Jordan消去法,用matlab编写的。可以用作初学者学习用。(Jordan elimination method, using matlab prepared. Can be used for beginners to learn to use.)
    2011-05-07 15:34:13下载
  • dijkstra
    Dijkstra最短路算法Matlab程序,用于求从起始点s到其它各点的最短路 D为赋权邻接矩阵需要输入 d为s到其它各点最短路径的长度 pre记载了最短路径生成树(Dijkstra shortest path algorithm Matlab procedures for the request from the starting point s to the other points for the empowerment of the most short-circuit the adjacency matrix D need to enter d for the s points in the shortest path to other pre recorded the length of the shortest path spanning tree)
    2011-05-11 17:04:12下载
  • TDOA多种算法性能对比
    基于TDOA的Chan、Taylor、协同算法的仿真及性能对比(Simulation and performance comparison of Chan, Taylor and collaborative algorithm based on TDOA)
    2018-07-04 15:50:31下载
  • Guass
    说明:  大地测量学所学知识,高斯正反算的实现,环境是基于MAtlab的(The knowledge of geodesy, considered the positive and negative Gaussian realization of the environment is based on the MAtlab)
    2011-03-08 16:09:18下载
  • trafik
    determine the blocking probability, with paissn for traffic engineering
    2015-01-21 16:09:53下载
  • sfd-mim-bss
    In this interface, you can control the sources (type, frequency, length, represented points), the mixture (elements of the mixing matrix and nonlinears functions in the post nonlinears cases), the different parameters of noise, the separating algorithm (choice between two algorithms and associated parameters) and the parameters of denoising.(All the algorithms simulated in this package have been designed by Massoud BABAIE-ZADEH during his PhD thesis, prepared in the Images and Signals Laboratory (LIS) of Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), under the supervision of Christian JUTTEN.)
    2012-03-30 10:23:08下载
  • daima
    利用MATLAB制作合成音乐播放,可以作为GUI插入的背景音乐,歌曲为一闪一闪亮晶晶,供给初学者参考(Using MATLAB to make synthetic music playback, can be used as a GUI insert background music, songs to twinkle twinkle little star, to supply reference for beginners)
    2015-01-17 21:06:14下载
  • predictive
    地表一致性反褶积就是用预测的方法进行反褶积(Surface consistent deconvolution method is to use predictive deconvolution)
    2015-01-21 19:01:26下载
  • PMAC_Repeater
    pmac turbo repeater programm c#
    2016-01-10 20:58:34下载
  • ds_uwb
    直扩超宽带的simulink仿真程序,绝对原创。(DS-UWB the simulink simulation program, an absolute original.)
    2008-06-25 15:50:33下载
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