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于 2014-11-10 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  一个计算频率域的带通滤波器,图像处理中常用的滤波方式之一。(Computes frequency domain band filters)





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  • 24368
    程序将界面与数据处理分开,界面采用MFC的对话框模板,对注册、训练、识别和主界面分别建立一个类,通过消息处理函数与用户进行交互,利用多线程来实时显示图像。 数据处理又分为了CFaceAlign(人脸检测+几何归一化)、CLightPrep(光照归一化)、CFaceFeature(Gabor特征提取)、CSubspace(计算Fisherface子空间)四个类,还有一个类 CFaceMngr 负责管理界面与数据之间的交流。这样的程序结构使对界面和算法彼此独立,互不影响。 每个类的具体方法请见相应头文件中的注释。(The program will interface with the data processing separate interface using MFC dialog template, registration, training, recognition and the main interface, respectively, to create a class that interacts with the user through a message handler, using multiple threads to display images in real time.   Data processing is divided into a CFaceAlign (Face Detection+ geometric normalization), CLightPrep (illumination normalization), CFaceFeature (Gabor feature extraction), CSubspace (computing Fisherface subspace) four categories, as well as a class is responsible for managing CFaceMngr interface and data exchange between. Such a program structure allows for interfaces and algorithms are independent of each other. Specific methods of each class, see the comments in the appropriate header files.)
    2015-04-13 10:05:34下载
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  • Image-Processing-Based-on-PDE
    《图像处理的偏微分方程方法》随书光盘完整版 本光碟中包含五个文件夹。 (1)视频剪辑:可供教学演示,其中, two_cells 是采用改进的变分水平集方法,实现GAC模型图像分割的演化过程; denoissing 是利用P_M方程,对图像平滑去噪的演化过程 curve_linear_heat_flow 是利用FT实现的闭合曲线的线性热流演化过程。 (2)二值图像:其中的图像可供形态学图像处理实验用,也可通过提取对象的边界,供曲线演化实验使用。 (3)灰度图象和彩色图像:其中的图像,可以作为图像分割,平滑滤波,反差增强,彩色增强以及图像放大等实验的素材。 (4) MATLAB程序:其中包含10余个MATLAB程序或(函数)的源代码。程序中所作的注释,与书中关于对应算法的描述是一致的。 本光碟中的所有内容,仅供教学和研究参考。(" Image Processing Based on PDE" CD with the book contains the full version of the disc five folders. (1) Video clip: for teaching demonstration, which, " two_cells" is improved variational level set methods to achieve the evolution of GAC model image segmentation " denoissing" is the use of P_M equation, the evolution of image smoothing denoising process " curve_linear_heat_flow" is the use of a closed curve FT achieve a linear heat evolution. (2) binary image: one of the images for morphological image processing experiments, it can also be obtained by extracting the object boundary curve evolution for experimental use. (3) gray-scale images and color images: images which can be used as image segmentation, filtering, contrast enhancement, color enhancement and image amplification test material. (4) MATLAB Program: which includes more than 10 or MATLAB program (function) of the source code. Comments made in the program, and a description of the boo)
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