(ThetoolcanbebasedontheinputUNICODEcalculatethecorrespondinghexadecimalstringguyorASCII.) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2013-09-09 发布 文件大小:309KB
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  该工具可以根据输入的UNICODE十六进制字符串计算出相应的汉字或ASCII码。比如:输入4F60便可以得到"你"。(The tool can be based on the input UNICODE calculate the corresponding hexadecimal string guy or ASCII.)



0 个回复

  • IT
    TI 经典的范例 对于学习msp430系列芯片的人肯定有用的 呵呵 可以看看(The classic example of TI msp430 series chips for learning useful Oh man certainly can look at)
    2013-07-27 20:14:24下载
  • 51
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  • STC-MCU-10-11-12C5A-GUIDE
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