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于 2013-09-08 发布 文件大小:8074KB
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  MATLAB应用程序接口用户指南。这里面很全面的介绍了matlab的借口常用方法(MATLAB Application Program Interface User' s Guide. There is a very comprehensive introduction to the common method matlab excuse)



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  • bpsk_spread
    BPSK code of matlab.
    2014-09-25 11:41:10下载
  • M
    说明:  本文描述的一个定义的阵的方向图,结果可知道增益和带宽等信息;和一个自适应的介绍PPT(Direction of the array of FIG one of the definitions described herein, the results can know information such as gain and bandwidth , and the introduction of an adaptive PPT)
    2013-03-19 17:53:27下载
  • Frequency-dependent-noise-attenuatio
    地震资料 数据处理 分频去噪 模块 主要压制随机噪音 异常振幅 野值 大值 方法特点:1 针对性强,主要去除随机噪音;2 随机噪音识别能力强,达到了较高的去噪水平;3 具有自适应性,能根据不同位置的不同特点统计识别噪音;4 振幅保真,对有效信号的保护性好;5 操作者可根据经验选择参数组合灵活去噪,达到较好的结果。 应用对比:为了展示本模块的去噪效果,所选取的对比对象是某知名成熟商业软件的分频去噪模块,其去噪效果在当前诸多成熟软件模块中是佼佼者,在地震资料处理界具有很好的口碑。 通过对比,说明本模块:1 针对性强,主要去除随机噪音和异常振幅等。2 随机噪音识别能力强,达到了较高的去噪水平。3 具有自适应性,能根据不同位置的不同特点统计识别噪音。4 振幅保真,对有效信号的保护性好。5 操作者可根据经验选择参数组合灵活去噪,达到较好的结果。(Frequency-dependent noise attenuation seismic data, processing module, is mainly to suppress random noise, denoising abnormal/large amplitude values Method of characteristics: 1 targeted, mainly to remove random noise 2 random noise and strong ability to identify , reach a higher level of de-noising 3 is adaptive , able to identify the noise statistics according to the different characteristics of different positions 4 amplitude fidelity , the effective protection of the signal is good 5 denoising operator flexibility to select the combination of parameters according to the experience , to achieve better results . Application contrast: To demonstrate the effect of the de-noising module , the selected object is a well-known comparative commercial software divide mature noising module de-noising effect is the current leader in many mature software module in seismic data processing industry has a good reputation. By contrast, the description of the module : a targeted, mai)
    2013-12-12 16:51:44下载
  • Desktop
    MATLAB实现简单矩阵中模拟光线的随机游走(MATLAB matrix simple random walk simulation of light)
    2015-04-01 21:06:34下载
  • Fuzzy-PID-dual-mode-control-system
    交流位置伺服系统因其存在参数时变、负载扰动以及电机的非线性等缺点, 很难为其建立准确的模型. 模糊( fuzzy)控制具有无需建立被控对象的数学模型、鲁棒性好等 优点,但稳态精度差. 将模糊控制和PID 控制相结合,设计了Fuzzy-PID 双模控制器. 在论域内 用不同的控制方式分段实现控制,这样就综合了模糊控制和PID 控制的优点,克服了各自的缺 点. 该控制器结构简单、易于实现. 在半闭环交流位置伺服系统上所做的实验表明,采用Fuzzy- PID 双模控制器与采用经典PID 控制器相比,阶跃响应的调整时间减少了33. 7 ,并且无超 调,轨迹跟踪误差减小了47. 2 .(AC servo system because of the presence of parameter variations, load disturbances and non-linear motors and other shortcomings, it is difficult to establish accurate models for fuzzy (fuzzy) control without having to build a mathematical model of controlled object, robustness and good However, steady-state accuracy is poor. fuzzy control and PID control are combined to design a dual-mode Fuzzy-PID controller in the sub-region to achieve control on the different control methods, so that a combination of fuzzy control and PID control advantages to overcome their disadvantages. simply the controller structure, easy to implement. experiments on semi-closed loop AC servo system did show that the Fuzzy-PID controller is compared with the classic dual-mode PID controller, step response The adjustment time is reduced by 33.7 , and no overshoot, tracking error is reduced 47.2 .)
    2014-05-26 19:12:10下载
  • LDPC
    ldpc码matlab实现,恩,应该很好吧(ldpc matlab)
    2013-12-09 16:15:15下载
  • MATLAB-mp3
    matlab语音信号处理 语音信号采集,然后设计FFR和IIR进行低通滤波,效果比较。,/。。(matlab .,////////////////////////////////)
    2010-06-30 16:01:05下载
  • FrequencyFilt
    Matlab编制的用于图像处理的带通巴特沃思滤波器(Constructs a band-pass butterworth filter)
    2009-05-06 12:02:38下载
  • tamenqupashan
    简单的语音合成程序,本人调试后,可以运行,仅供参考!(Simple speech synthesis procedure, I debug, you can run for reference purposes only!)
    2010-12-14 21:00:38下载
  • HFSSApicontrol
    用于matlab控制HFSS的源代码,包含所有简单功能(Api for HFSS(matlab control))
    2020-10-19 22:37:25下载
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