(TheJSI(JavaSpatialIndex)RTreeLibraryopensourceJavaimplementationlibraryofaRTreealgorithmtheoreticalsourceoftheGuttman1984paperR-trees:AtheDynamictheIndexStructureforSpatial,SearchingbyAntoninGuttman,paperscanbeseen(PDFonCiteSeerX).FollowthecodeofthisopensourceprojectGNULesserGeneralPublicLicenseThelatestcodecanbefoundinhttp://github.com/aled/jsiAtthesametimeexampleinhttps://github.com/aled/jsi-exampleswere) - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2013-03-18 发布 文件大小:79KB
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  JSI (Java Spatial Index) RTree Library 是一个RTree算法Java实现的开源库,理论来源是Guttman1984年的一篇论文"R-trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching" by Antonin Guttman",论文可见(PDF on CiteSeerX). 这个开源项目的代码遵循 GNU Lesser General Public License 最新的代码可以在http://github.com/aled/jsi上找到 同时例子在https://github.com/aled/jsi-examples(The JSI (Java Spatial Index) RTree Library open source Java implementation library of a RTree algorithm theoretical source of the Guttman1984 paper R-trees: A the Dynamic the Index Structure for Spatial, Searching by Antonin Guttman, papers can be seen (PDF onCiteSeerX). Follow the code of this open source project GNU Lesser General Public License The latest code can be found in http://github.com/aled/jsi At the same time example in https://github.com/aled/jsi-examples were)



0 个回复

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