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于 2013-03-18 发布 文件大小:97KB
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  The codes included here require Matlab platform 7.0.0 or higher. The source codes have been written by the students who have undergone this subject. The codes are problem specific and not general. The principle aim was to develop softwares for illustration of computational methods and are generally far from optimal. Knowledge of any computer language is sufficient to change the parameters in the codes. A person well versed in Matlab should be able to modify these codes or write their own. It is a common knowledge that understanding the codes written by others is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, useful comments have been added in the codes to help users.(The codes included here require Matlab platform 7.0.0 or higher. The source codes have been written by the students who have undergone this subject. The codes are problem specific and not general. The principle aim was to develop softwares for illustration of computational methods and are generally far from optimal. Knowledge of any computer language is sufficient to change the parameters in the codes. A person well versed in Matlab should be able to modify these codes or write their own. It is a common knowledge that understanding the codes written by others is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, useful comments have been added in the codes to help users.)



0 个回复

  • OFDM
    说明:  OFDM信号及其频谱 OFDM signal and its spectrum ( Guard Interval insertion )(OFDM signal and spectrum OFDM signal and its spectrum (Guard Interval insertion))
    2006-03-31 09:11:21下载
  • pfjdxn
    平飞性能计算,包括平飞加减速等性能的计算软件,方便实用。(calculation of property)
    2011-12-15 19:41:30下载
  • dianji
    2014-05-17 13:25:42下载
  • hai
    from this i want pesq result for speech enhancement
    2010-11-03 23:16:28下载
  • fft
    区别于matlab自带的fft程序,为自主设计的myfft程序代码(Different from matlab' s fft own procedures for self-designed program code myfft)
    2009-12-08 19:09:56下载
  • Chapter06
    通过MATLAB来计算阵列天线,包括线性阵列,平面阵列,还有圆形阵列(Calculated by MATLAB array, including linear arrays, planar array, as well as circular arrays )
    2010-12-04 03:37:04下载
  • chap7
    说明:  自动控制系统中滑膜变结构控制matlab仿真程序(Automatic Control System of Variable Structure Control of synovial matlab simulation program)
    2010-04-21 18:20:14下载
  • Genetic-algorithm
    遗传算法程序matlab源程序,txt文件内打开就是(Genetic algorithm matlab source, open txt file is)
    2012-09-07 16:39:27下载
  • xiaobo
    人提供了一种小波去噪和小波包去噪的对比研究的matlab代码,供大家相互学习和参考(Provide a comparative study of wavelet de-noising and wavelet packet denoising matlab code for everyone to learn from each other and reference)
    2014-03-06 10:44:25下载
  • 打包
    说明:  两种不同的假设: H1 : 0 xn A fn wn ( ) cos(2 ) ( ) = ++ π θ n=1,2,…,N,f0 为规一化频率 H0 : xn wn () () = n=1,2,…,N 其中 w[n]是均值为 0,方差为 2 σ n 的高斯白噪声,A 已知,样本间相互 独立,信号与噪声相互独立; 相位θ 是随机变量,它服从均匀分布 1 0 2 ( ) 20 p θ π θ π ?? ≤ ≤ = ??? 其它 1)改变输入信噪比(改变 A 或噪声方差均可),给定虚警概率,画出 输入信噪比与检测概率之间的理论曲线。(注意:理论检测曲线与样本 数有关) 2)改变样本数,用 Monte-Carlo 实验方法得出 PF=0.001 时输入信噪比 与检测概率之间关系曲线(至少三条),并得出结论。 3)改变 M-C 实验次数,样本数不变,用 Monte-Carlo 实验方法得出 PF =0.001 时输入信噪比与检测概率之间关系曲线(至少三条),并得出 结论。(Draw the theoretical curve between input SNR and detection probability)
    2020-11-24 19:19:32下载
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