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于 2011-10-22 发布 文件大小:1980KB
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  关于Arnoldi算法的今年来的中文资料,希望能够给有兴趣编写这方面算法的人提供帮助(Arnoldi algorithm on the Chinese data this year, hoping to write this algorithm are interested in helping people)



0 个回复

  • bTree
    这是一个二叉树的工程文件,包括了工程文件里的所有文件。以及二叉树的构建,traverse,搜索等功能函数。(This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your bTree application. )
    2011-05-20 08:12:04下载
  • hannuota
    分析汉诺塔,选择合适方法编程实现汉诺塔问题的解答。(Analysis of the Tower of Hanoi, select the appropriate method of programming the answers of the Tower of Hanoi problem.)
    2012-05-22 18:48:33下载
  • Binary-tree-in-the-establishment
    二叉树的建立 中序遍历二叉树 把二叉树转换成双向链表(Binary tree in the establishment of traversing Binary conversion to binary tree into a doubly linked list)
    2013-03-30 14:39:13下载
  • bookmanage
    基于数据结构的图书管理系统,基本功能都有,可以拿来作为数据结构的课程设计(Based library management system data structures, basic function, can be used as a data structure of the curriculum design)
    2020-10-27 00:00:04下载
  • a
    说明:  进程死锁.资源分配图的绘制 建立所需数据结构;  使用题目21存成的资源分配图的文件作为输入;  编写资源分配图化简算法;  每化简一步,在屏幕上显示化简的当前结果;  最后给出结论,是否死锁,如思索给出死锁的进程及资源; (Process deadlock. Resource allocation mapping  establish the required data structures  Use title 21 deposit into resource allocation graph file as input  writing resource allocation map simplification algorithm  Each simplification step, on-screen display simplification of the current result  Finally, the conclusion of a deadlock, deadlock is given as thinking processes and resources )
    2013-07-04 19:50:58下载
  • Project_ShortestPath
    任务:实现Dijkstra算法 工程名:Project_ShortestPath 要求:实现Dijkstra算法,算法主体写在CGraph类中;要求是从command窗口中输入源节点编号,并在command窗口中输出从源节点到所有目的节点的最短路长及最短路。注:要输出整条路径,而不仅仅是前一跳,也不允许逆序输出。 (Task: Dijkstra' s algorithm to achieve the project name: Project_ShortestPath requirements: achieve Dijkstra algorithm, the algorithm written in the body CGraph class requires input from the command window, the source node number, and in the command window, all of the output from the source node to the destination node shortest long and the shortest. Note: To export the entire path, not just before the jump, do not allow reverse output.)
    2013-08-21 16:40:41下载
  • route-planning
    遗传算法实现飞机在三维空间的航迹规划 C代码(Genetic Algorithm Route Planning C code)
    2012-04-20 09:23:18下载
  • Binary_tree
    二叉树的C++实现,成员可以自己调整,实现了各种修剪此树的方法:初始化,增加节点,删去节点,复制树,读取节点,遍历树(Binary tree in C++, members can make their own adjustments to achieve a variety of pruning this tree methods: initialize, add nodes, delete nodes, copy the tree, read the node, traverse the tree)
    2011-10-22 23:51:28下载
  • SelectSort
    选择排序的实现,是一种基本的排序方法,但是时间复杂度相对较大。(Select Sort realization, is sort of a basic, but relatively large time complexity.)
    2012-09-27 22:38:22下载
  • PolynomialCoeff
    NTL应用——大数系数多项式乘法的计算。从文件读如参数,计算多项式相乘后某项的系数(NTL application- the multiplication of big numbers coefficient polynomial )
    2021-04-11 09:58:58下载
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