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  与matalbe有关的视屏教程和具体的实例的讲解(Matalbe the Screen with tutorials and examples to explain specific)



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    An important aspect of an ANN model is whether it needs guidance in learning or not. Based on the way they learn, all artificial neural networks can be divided into two learning categories - supervised and unsupervised. • In supervised learning, a desired output result for each input vector is required when the network is trained. An ANN of the supervised learning type, such as the multi-layer perceptron, uses the target result to guide the formation of the neural parameters. It is thus possible to make the neural network learn the behavior of the process under study. • In unsupervised learning, the training of the network is entirely data-driven and no target results for the input data vectors are provided. An ANN of the unsupervised learning type, such as the self-organizing map, can be used for clustering the input data and find features inherent to the problem.
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    Ber analyisis of QPSK in rician fading channel
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  • OSL0
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    对轴承模拟信号进行解调分析,轴承模型见毕果博士论文(3-14),(3-29);(A demo of demodulation of gear simulation signal)
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