CD4051/CC4051是单8通道数字控制模拟电子开关,有三个二进控制输入端A、B、C和INH输入,具有低导通阻抗和很低的截止漏电流。(CD4051/CC4051 is single channel 8 digital controlled analog electronic switch, there are three binary control input A, B, C and INH input, has low conduction resistance and very low by leakage current.)
- 2014-07-24 10:08:52下载
- 积分:1
扩频技术,特别针对二进制的 PSK调制解调技术,直接序列扩频系统的抗干
扰能力分析与直接序列扩频系统的同步方法,并进行了相关仿真分析。(Spread spectrum communications has many basic
manners of implementation, this paper main introduces the direct
sequence spread spectrum technology. The technology of digital
signals’ modulation and demodulation, aiming at phase shift keying
analyzing the capacity of resistance to anti-jamming of direct
sequence spread spectrum system(DSSS) and the method of
synchronization in direct sequence spread spectrum system base on
the DSSS of the matlab’s simulation.)
- 2010-08-22 22:30:16下载
- 积分:1
ACR9000多轴运动控制器上位机控制程序示例(MFC) (ACR9000 multi-axis motion controller PC control program example (MFC))
- 2020-09-10 05:08:03下载
- 积分:1
应用程序向导已为您创建了此 Test 应用程序。此应用程序不仅介绍了使用 Microsoft 基础类的基本知识,而且是编写应用程序的起点。(The application wizard has created this Test application for you. This
application not only introduces the basic knowledge of the Microsoft class, but also the starting point for the application.)
- 2015-10-16 21:05:00下载
- 积分:1
svpwm仿真模型,通过仿真确定svpwm的最佳配置模式(svpwm simulation model to determine the optimal configuration of the simulation model svpwm)
- 2013-12-28 23:37:56下载
- 积分:1
AD转换芯片源程序。串行模式通信。。带电路(AD conversion chip source. Serial mode of communication. . Band circuit)
- 2008-12-15 18:08:26下载
- 积分:1
MEGA8的PWM输出功能来完成三路PWM波形.doc(MEGA8 PWM output function to complete the three-way PWM waveform. Doc)
- 2013-07-05 11:17:34下载
- 积分:1
本程序是基于MP430的点阵显示程序,显示内容可在程序里更改(failed to translate)
- 2013-05-05 00:42:37下载
- 积分:1
4X4点阵键盘+1602液晶显示做的计算器(AVR单片机)(4X4 matrix keyboard 1602 LCD calculator to do (AVR microcontroller))
- 2014-01-06 16:19:02下载
- 积分:1
串行da模块的应用,和单片机通信,通过单片机控制da模块(Serial da module application, and single-chip communication, via da MCU control module)
- 2013-07-18 02:57:14下载
- 积分:1