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于 2013-03-15 发布 文件大小:7KB
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  这是对广义高斯分布中两个参数alpha,beta的估计方法,对自然图像的大量统计特征就符合这一分布。(function [f, g] = dggbeta(beta, absx) DGGBETA Derivative of generalized Gaussian pdf with respective to beta [F, G] = DGGBETA(BETA, ABSX) Return partial derivative and second order partial derivative This is an utility function for GGMLE ABSX is the distance of the data from the mean Function is undefined for negative beta if beta



0 个回复

  • FaceFeature
    是一个人脸识别特征提取的Vc代码,很好用,希望对你有帮助!(Is a face recognition feature extraction Vc code, very good, and want to help you!)
    2008-05-15 18:56:52下载
  • NumericalCaculation
    数值计算的类函数,运算能力超过Matlab(Numerical Calculation)
    2009-07-08 11:22:08下载
  • StandEx
    说明:  这是书上的代码,C/C++中调用Matlab C Math Library的实现,供大家参考(This is the code book, C/C++ In Matlab C Math Library calls to achieve for your reference)
    2008-11-25 17:32:44下载
  • uC-GUI_user
    Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are not guaran- teed to be entirely free of error. Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure your man- ual is the latest edition. While the information herein is assumed to be accurate, Micrium Technologies Corporation (the distributor) assumes no responsibility for any(Specifications written in this manual are believed to be accurate, but are not guaran-teed to be entirely free of error. Specifications in this manual may be changed for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure your man-ual is the latest edition . While the information herein is assumed to be accurate, Micrium Technologies Corporation (the distributor) assumes no responsibility for any)
    2013-04-15 17:28:25下载
  • kalmaneasystuding
    kalman递归理论的详细讲解,通谷易懂,想弄明白kalman理论的同志一看便知!(a easy understanding for Kalman theory.it is very useful for new leaner! )
    2010-12-30 13:35:39下载
  • bilidaoyinfa
    比例导引法的几个matlab程序,根据绝对弹道进行编程设计(Proportional navigation law matlab program, according to the absolute ballistic Programming)
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  • the-wave-calcuiation
    可以计算波浪载荷,并且还可以进行数值模拟,从而省去更多的实验材料(Can calculate the wave loads, and numerical simulation, thereby eliminating the need for a more experimental material)
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  • Wiley---Antenna-Theory-and-Design
    ANTENNA THEORY AND DESIGN Revised Edition Robert S. Elliott University of California Los Angeles, California(First published in 1981, Robert S. Elliott s Antenna Theory and Design is one of the most significant works in electromagnetic theory and applications. In its broad-ranging, analytic treatment, replete with supporting experimental evidence, Antenna Theory and Design conveys fundamental methods of analysis that can be used to predict the electromagnetic behavior of nearly everything that radiates. After more than two decades, it remains a key resource for students, professors, researchers, and engineers who require a comprehensive, in-depth treatment of the subject. In response to requests many of our members, IEEE is now reissuing this classic. Newly revised, it once again will be an invaluable textbook and an enduring reference for practicing engineers. The IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory offers outstanding coverage of the field. It consists of new titles of contemporary interest as well as reissues and revisions of recognized classics by established authors and rese)
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  • WEBtechnology
    研究论文基于WEB环境与MATLAB技术的图像检索系统的实现(Research papers based on WEB technology, environment and MATLAB Image Retrieval System)
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