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于 2013-10-10 发布 文件大小:11179KB
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  用C++编写的对话框,能够实现目标的动态运动,目标的自动添加撤除,文本文件的读取和保存。我的QQ是870666742.此程序较复杂,不懂的地方可以问我。(Prepared with C++ dialog, to achieve the target of dynamic movement, removal of the target automatically add a text file to read and save. My QQ is 870666742 This procedure is more complicated, do not know where you can ask me.)



0 个回复

  • Xtreme.ToolkitPro.v12.0.0
    Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, 当前最新版本,含全部源代码,以及103个例子工程,是VC界面开发的首选!其他就不多介绍了,干VC开发这一行的都知道其强大!!! 拜托管理员,我搞到这个不容易,上传这么大的文件更不容易,多给我一些点,上次我传XtremeToolkit1122近30M,结果我从网站只能下载几个代码!这次要多给一些(Codejock Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.0, the latest version of the current, including all source code, as well as 103 examples of the project is to develop the interface of choice for VC! Other not more than the introduction, dry VC to develop this line all know its strong! ! ! Please administrator, I get this is not easy to upload large files so more is not easy, give me some points, the last time I Chuan XtremeToolkit1122 near 30M, the results I can only download from the site of several code! The more to some)
    2020-06-26 02:40:02下载
  • secoemxnded__effects
    Strongly recommended, a similar VC++ interface design procedures, this interface has become a system standard, but also has a variety of window effects!
    2018-11-30 22:48:00下载
  • property
    vc++属性对话框的一个小程序,希望对新手有所帮助(vc++ Properties dialog box, a small procedure, and they hope to help novice)
    2007-10-29 20:57:18下载
  • 切分和切换的视图
    切分窗口和切换的视图源代码goog设计分厂好使用见文件说明(split window and switching View source code goog good use of plant design document see Note)
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  • Lagrange
    MFC对话框程序,采用VC++6.0编程。导入txt文档保存的二维数组,对其进行拉格朗日差值后导出到指定txt文档中(MFC dialog procedures, using VC++ 6.0 programming. Import dimensional array txt file saved, exported them to a specified difference after Lagrange txt document)
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  • ChangeSkin
    本程序提供两种界面换肤方式,文件夹中实现的是加载皮肤文件实现界面换肤(This program offers two kinds of interface ways, is to load the skin file folder in realizing interface change skin )
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  • time
    调用时间及日期函数,在对话框上显示当前时间及当前日期。(Call time and date function, in the dialog box displays the current time and the current date.)
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    进行窗体设计和更改时背景的操作msfkl sdflk slf (sjlk sldk dk f,sdgl sdfk ,dls dk )
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  • excel
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