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于 2014-10-29 发布 文件大小:254KB
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  DES密码基于matlab的简单实现,包括算法详解及其相关说明。(Data encryption standard implemented in matlab)



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  • VQ
    说明:  LBG算法设计矢量量化码书的函数,需要给出训练序列x,矢量维数K和码书长度CN,返回根据训练序列给出的最小误差码书。(LBG algorithm for vector quantization codebook design function , you need to give training sequence x, vector dimension K and codebook length CN, return according to the minimum error given training sequence codebook . )
    2013-07-27 10:29:56下载
  • MATLAB-rumen
    超级详细的matlab教程,对于各种算法有详细介绍,matlab初学者适用,里面有很多例子,例如最优化(Super detailed matlab tutorials for a variety of algorithms are described in detail, Matlab beginners applies)
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