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于 2014-10-27 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  code dijkstra for shortest path



0 个回复

  • leachC
    WSN下面一种集中式的分簇算法,是对LEACH的一种改进LEACHC(WSN following a kind of centralized clustering algorithm, is an improvement LEACHC LEACH)
    2010-06-15 14:20:16下载
  • ncut_multiscale_1_5
    normalized cuts.......00000000...............
    2009-11-23 03:19:51下载
  • matlab
    test2: 一、 基本最小二乘法一次算法 二、 基本最小二乘法递推算法 三、 最小二乘遗忘因子一次完成算法 四、 最小二乘遗忘因子递推算法 五、 最小二乘限定记忆算法 六、 最小二乘偏差补偿算法 七、 增广最小二乘算法 八、 广义最小二乘算法 test3: 一、 辅助变量自适应滤波算法 二、 辅助变量纯滞后算法 三、 辅助变量Tally原理算法 四、 多级最小二乘算法 五、 各类改进最小二乘算法的特点 test4: 1、 第二类随机性辨识问题的梯度校正 2、 随机牛顿法 test5: 1、 递推的极大似然估计 2、 预报误差参数辨识 test6: 1、 根据Hankel矩阵秩估计模型阶次(弱噪声) 2、 根据Hankel矩阵秩估计模型阶次(强噪声) 3、 利用行列式比估计模型阶次(白噪声) 4、 利用行列式比估计模型阶次(有色噪声) 5、 利用残差的方差估计模型阶次(白噪声) 6、 利用残差的方差估计模型阶次(有色噪声) 7、 AIV定阶法(白噪声) 8、 AIV定阶法(有色噪声) test7: 1、 一阶惯性+纯滞后环节-----两点法 2、 面积法1 3、 levy法 (test2: First, the basic method of least squares algorithm once Second, the basic recursive least squares algorithm Third, once the forgetting factor least squares algorithm Fourth, the forgetting factor recursive least squares algorithm Fifth, the least-squares algorithm limited memory Six , least squares error compensation algorithm Seven , extended least squares algorithm Eight , generalized least squares algorithm test3: An auxiliary variable adaptive filtering algorithm Second, the auxiliary variable time delay algorithm Third, the principle of auxiliary variable algorithm Tally Fourth, multi-stage least squares algorithm Fifth, the least squares algorithm to improve the characteristics of various types of test4: 1, the second class of stochastic gradient identification problem corrected 2 , randomized Newton test5: 1, the recursive maximum likelihood estimation 2, the prediction error parameter identification test6: 1 , according to the Hankel matrix rank est)
    2020-10-29 10:59:57下载
  • paper3
    Transmission of Voice Signal BER Performance Analysis of Different FEC Schemes Based OFDM System over Various Channels
    2015-02-23 20:13:10下载
  • RBF
    把RBF神经网络运用到对非线性的系统进行逼近上的仿真(The RBF neural network applied to the simulation of non-linear systems on the approximation)
    2021-04-26 22:08:45下载
  • m_q6leix
    参考外国文献,通过MATLAB程序编写了以两个简单的blcOzp映射构造一个双混沌互扰 ZaUxxYq系统,提出了采用先进的两混沌调制模型的无线加密算法,具有防窃听的能力,调试无错误。(References to foreign literature, through MATLAB programming the blcOzp with two simple mapping to construct a mutual interference ZaUxxYq dual chaotic systems is proposed based on the wireless encryption algorithm dual chaotic mutual interference system has the ability of anti-wiretapping, debugging errors. )
    2016-01-13 19:26:14下载
  • PCs
    Analyze multiple user interference based Standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA) model and packets collision (PC) model in IRUWB wireless communication system.
    2013-07-24 20:05:21下载
  • Mackey-Glass-Time-Series-Forecasting-using-Method
    this is matlab code of time series prediction . Mackey-Glass Time Series Forecasting using Method 1 Single Stage Fuzzy Forecaster.
    2014-11-24 05:50:38下载
  • m-sequence
    伪随机序列产生器源代码(Pseudo-random sequence generator source code)
    2009-03-31 17:05:45下载
  • ml_stc_windows_vc_2008_v1.0
    C++ AND MATLAB CODE FOR STEGANOGRAPHY, developed by a third party, Please check it by yourself while you use it
    2011-04-27 23:48:34下载
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