verilog代码实现的数字密码锁。通过4个并行的10位移位寄存器,分别记录在时钟上升沿时A,B,C,D的输入情况,比如某上升沿输入A,相应时刻A对应的移位寄存器输入1,其他三个移位寄存器输入都为0.另外4个并行的10位寄存器记录密码。这样,密码锁不仅可以识别字符数量,还可以判断出字符的输入次序。(verilog code of digital lock. By four parallel 10-bit shift register, respectively, recorded in the clock rising edge A, B, C, D of inputs, such as a rising edge of input A, the corresponding moments A 1 corresponding to the input shift register, the other three shift bit register inputs are 0. another four parallel 10-bit registers record the password. This lock can not only identify the number of characters, you can also determine the character of the input sequence.)