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于 2013-03-13 发布 文件大小:31KB
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  使用matlab来仿真,是卫星导航电文调制,扩频后,产生.mat文件(Matlab simulation satellite navigation message modulation, spreading generate. Mat file)



0 个回复

  • frame_format
    定义了通信中帧格式,用matlab代码实现了这个过程,可以自定义巴克码的长度,接收端可以采用滑动相关法捕获该帧(The definition of a communication frame format, using matlab code to achieve this process, can customize the length of Barker Code, the receiving end of sliding correlation method can be used to capture the frame)
    2007-11-04 18:36:31下载
    MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及应用,学习用书。(MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox and application, learning books.)
    2010-01-31 17:00:50下载
  • DRTOOL_drtoolbox
    matlab 降维工具箱,最新版本。包含各类线性及非线性降维代码,lle,lpp,mvu,isomap,npe等皆在其中。(DRTOOL, by itself, creates a new DRTOOL or raises the existing singleton*. H = DRTOOL returns the handle to a new DRTOOL or the handle to the existing singleton*. DRTOOL( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in DRTOOL.M with the given input arguments. DRTOOL( Property , Value ,...) creates a new DRTOOL or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before drtool_OpeningFunction gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to drtool_OpeningFcn via varargin. *See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)".)
    2012-07-07 19:10:58下载
  • upysjur
    编制改进一次二阶矩法计算可靠指标的程序 编制改进一次二阶矩法计算可靠指标的程序(Improve the preparation of first order second moment method to calculate a reliable indicator of the program improve the preparation of first order second moment method to calculate a reliable indicator of the program)
    2011-10-21 15:16:23下载
  • ComSam
    Compressive Sampling是最近讨论非常热烈的数据处理方法。用一个与变换基不相关的观测矩阵将变换所得到的高维信号投影到一个低维空间上,然后通过优化求解从这些少量的投影中以高概率重构出原信号。(Compressive Sampling is a very lively discussion of recent data processing method. A base with the transformation matrix will not change the relevant observation obtained a high-dimensional signal projected onto low-dimensional space, and then solved by optimizing the projection from these small reconstructed with high probability in the original signal.)
    2011-11-02 08:59:16下载
  • FadingGenerator
    about fading generaor
    2011-11-27 21:29:07下载
  • radar-simulation.rar
    说明:  雷达系统分析与导论里面的经典程序,搜集下来为有需要的人服务一下,看看有没有用的到得(Radar Systems Analysis and Introduction to the inside of the classic program, collect down services for those in need to see if there is no use to have)
    2011-04-09 21:59:45下载
  • root_music
    波达方向算法ROOT - MUSIC 的仿真程序, 可以运行出来结果,且结果正确(Doa algorithms ROOT - MUSIC program, is better than the effect of MUSIC algorithm)
    2014-01-03 10:44:23下载
  • Genetic-algorithm-in-MATLAB
    探讨了在 MATLAB 环境中实现遗传算法仿真的方法 ,并以一个简单的求函数最值的问 题作为遗传算法的应用实例 ,说明遗传算法的全局寻优性及用 MATLAB 实现仿真的可行性(Explore the genetic algorithm simulation in MATLAB environment, and the value of a simple demand function as genetic algorithm application examples, description of the genetic algorithm global optimizing nature and the feasibility of using MATLAB simulation)
    2013-04-09 09:34:30下载
  • SVAR-survey
    State Space and Kalman Filter
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