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  花了大量时间找到的ICP算法领域中外论文集,里面包括最经典的那些ICP算法,以及其他一些改进的ICP算法。这些资料对于研究这个领域的人员应该会有很大的帮助。(Spent a lot of time to find the areas of foreign proceedings ICP algorithm, which includes the most classic ones ICP algorithm, as well as other improvements ICP algorithm. These data for the study of the field staff should be of great help.)


...................\1994 Iterative Point Matching for Registration of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces.pdf,9981616,2013-07-24
...................\1994 Zippered Polygon Meshes from Range Images.pdf,501831,2013-07-24
...................\1997 Estimating 3D rigid body transformations a comparison of four major algorithms.pdf,409580,2013-07-24
...................\1997 Estimating 3D rigid body transformations a comparison.pdf,409580,2013-07-23
...................\2003 A new point matching algorithm for non rigid registration.pdf,1525663,2013-07-24
...................\2003 Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets.pdf,542590,2013-07-24
...................\2004 Improving ICP with easy implementation for free-form surface matching.pdf,435489,2013-07-24
...................\2005 Fast and high-accurate 3D registration algorithm using hierarchical M-ICP .pdf,259983,2013-07-24
...................\2005 Robust Euclidean alignment of 3D point sets the trimmed iterative closest point algorithm.pdf,328193,2013-07-24
...................\2006 Geometry and Convergence Analysis of Algorithms for Registration(review).pdf,593166,2013-07-24
...................\2006 Least-squares fitting of multiple point sets.pdf,596026,2013-07-23
...................\2011 hand-hold 3d scanning based on coarse and fine registration of multiple range images.pdf,2068941,2013-08-20
...................\2012 Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithm.pdf,1250441,2013-07-24
...................\2013 Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets:Open-source library and experimental protocol.pdf,1608101,2013-07-24



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