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  Box jekkins metodology on time series forecast video



0 个回复

  • graychange
    用matlab实现图像的灰度线性变换,图像二值化,负象变换,灰度非线性变换等。(Grayscale image using matlab linear transformation, binary image, negative image transformation, gray non-linear transformation.)
    2013-11-28 12:22:51下载
  • hentai
    相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),与理论分析结果相比,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Compared with the results of theoretical analysis, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
    2016-09-28 17:20:08下载
  • array
    This is a case where a array is introduced with noise
    2009-05-26 22:43:26下载
  • voice
    设计了fir语音频段的低通、带通、高通滤波器。 可以用于语音信号处理。(A pile of fir filters are designed in this file, including lpf,bpf and hpf.)
    2010-05-23 10:53:48下载
  • dryd
    This addresses the use of ANFIS function in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for nonlinear dynamical system identification. This also requires the System Identification Toolbox, as a comparison is made between a nonlinear ANFIS and a linear ARX model.
    2010-05-31 22:51:24下载
  • Bspline-in-2D-and-3D
    create B-spline in 2D and 3D space Matlab
    2014-10-16 17:58:22下载
  • Simple-analog-clock
    简易模拟时钟,使用MATLAB的GUI开发而成,可以获取桌面时钟数然后在模拟钟面上显示,每隔一秒刷新显示!(Simple analog clock, a GUI was developed using MATLAB, you can get a desktop clocks and analog clock face on display, refresh the display every second!)
    2013-12-13 21:15:21下载
  • nmf.tar
    非负矩阵分解程序,里面包含了全面的相关资料和程序代码。(Non-negative matrix factorization program)
    2010-10-21 12:37:36下载
  • MATLAB6Math
    本教程提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导,它基于MATLAB6.0版,内容由浅入深,特别是本书对每一条命令的使用格式都作了详细而又简单明了的说明,并配备了例题加以说明其用法,因此,对于初学者自学是很有帮助的;同时,又对数学中的一些深入问题如数值分析、稀疏矩阵、优化理论以及模糊数学等问题进行了较为详细的论述,因此,该书也可作为科技工作者的科学计算工具书。(This tutorial provides a practical guide for using MATLAB, which is based on MATLAB6.0 version of the content of Deep and, in particular the book using the format of each command are detailed but simple instructions, and be equipped with examples on its usage, therefore, is useful for beginners learning the same time, some of the depth of mathematical problems such as numerical analysis, sparse matrix, optimization theory and fuzzy mathematics and other issues discussed in detail, therefore, the Books can also be calculated as the scientific and technological workers, tool.)
    2010-07-04 16:00:07下载
  • ghc
    说明:  三自由度直升飞机最优控制的三轴控制和位置控制原程序(three helicopters freedom optimal control of a 3-axis control and location of the original control procedures)
    2006-05-07 18:56:24下载
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