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  图像处理MATLAB数字图像处理书籍\(Image Engineering (Volume)- Tsinghua University)



0 个回复

  • nibianqilin
    电压电流双环控制逆变器,参数不好调的,已经调好,欢迎下载(double loop inverter)
    2014-12-08 20:17:39下载
  • BriefPresentation-OOCRONEtoolbox
    Brief Presentation of the Object Oriented CRONE toolbox pdf
    2013-05-25 22:12:44下载
    内含多个MIMO-OFDM信道评估程序:MIMO-OFDM不同信道估计的对比、OFDMexample(程序源码和SIMULINK平台仿真)等!(Contains multiple MIMO-OFDM channel assessment procedure: MIMO-OFDM channel estimation with different contrast, OFDMexample (program source code and SIMULINK simulation platform) and so on!)
    2011-05-05 18:16:55下载
  • quaternion
    Blind Signal Processing (BSP) is now one of the hottest and most exciting topics in the fields of neural computation, advanced statistics, and signal processing with solid theoretical foundations and many potential applications.
    2014-09-23 07:06:34下载
  • stick
    Stick filter implementation in MATLAB. Stick filter is used to remove speckle noise in images.
    2015-02-09 16:36:07下载
  • Rosen
    Rosen梯度投影法,用于解决非线性规划的线性约束问题,可用于解决matlab程序(Rosen gradient projection method for solving nonlinear programming problem with linear constraints can be used to solve matlab program)
    2013-09-25 08:49:09下载
  • routing_R
    复杂网络中,在BA网络中最经典的路由算法matlab源程序并,是学习复杂网络最基本的路由算法。(Complex network, in the BA network, the most classical routing algorithm matlab source code and is the most basic learning complex network routing algorithm.)
    2007-09-17 14:55:24下载
  • piecewise_eval
    LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field. LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C. X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as % produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.(LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector-Fi eld. LINEINTRGAL (X, Y, U, V, C) computes the line integral along the lines gi ven in cell array C. X and Y coordinate define the s of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defi ned. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid% as pro duced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.)
    2006-12-14 21:44:49下载
  • Image-Processing
    图像处理的MATLAB实现,只能处理像素为256*256的图像,代码在txt文档里,需要自行粘贴(MATLAB for image processing, can handle only 256* 256 pixel image, the code in txt file, you need to own paste)
    2014-12-15 17:21:12下载
  • 64 fft_ifft
    FFT and IFFT 64 point radix-4
    2017-07-13 13:15:08下载
  • 696518资源总数
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