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于 2013-03-10 发布 文件大小:73KB
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  matlab codes DVS-H matlab 2010a



0 个回复

  • Hotmail
    Student of university of management and technology
    2010-12-29 17:31:59下载
  • Z_boost
    Z源与Boost电路结合的单相全桥逆变器的开环仿真(Z-Source Boost circuit with a combination of single-phase full-bridge inverter open-loop simulation)
    2020-11-02 18:29:54下载
  • EgT
    Temperature Dependance of Binary Nitrides
    2010-10-31 12:19:06下载
  • msclib
    Basic models to build induction motor in IRFO vector control
    2011-04-20 20:26:34下载
  • Untitled
    EEG信号多分辨率分析,可以用改文件对EEG信号进行小波处理,即过滤去噪等。(EEG signals analysis)
    2011-09-09 21:17:03下载
  • System-Identification-of-an-ARARX-model-master
    说明:  使用MATLAB对MIMO系统进行辨识,其中有各种算法仿真算例,N4SID,针对多变量系统的一种识别算法(MOESP (Multivariable Output-Error State sPace) is a deterministic method to identify linear time invariant systems. The MOESP method developed by M. Verhaegen and P. Dewilde is based on the LQ decomposition of Hankel matrix formed from input-output data, where L is lower triangular and Q is orthogonal. A Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) can be performed on a block from the L (L22) matrix to obtain the system order and the extended observability matrix. From this matrix it is possible to estimate the matrices C and A of state-space model. The final step is to solve overdetermined linear equations using the least-squares method to calculate matrices B and D.)
    2021-02-09 22:29:53下载
  • Newton
    牛頓優化算法,matlab代碼,已經驗證過可運行出正確結果(Newton optimization algorithm, matlab code has been verified to run the correct results)
    2013-08-10 12:01:17下载
  • fibonacciSearch
    Fibonacci method is an optimization method which can be used to find optimum of a 1D function (even discrete function) using elimination method. For use this method the initial interval of uncertainty, in which the optimum lies, has to be known. In addition the objective function should be unimodal, which has just an optimum solution in initial interval.
    2012-08-02 16:27:53下载
  • bayesian
    基于matlab开发的利用贝叶斯网络计算配电网可靠性(Distribution network reliability based on Bayesian network matlab development)
    2021-03-12 01:19:25下载
  • GUI1
    利用MATLAB GUI设计实现图像处理的图形用户界面,利用MATLAB图像处理工具箱 实现以下的图像处理功能。 1、 采用matlab Guide设计图像界面与按钮界面。 2、 连接摄像头,编写MATLAB初始化程序。 3、 用摄像头采集一幅图像,并能实现保存(使用控件按钮保存)。 4、 设计按钮实现对图像进行任意的亮度和对比度变化调节,显示和对比度变化前 后的图像 5、设计按钮实现用户能够用鼠标选取图像感兴趣区域,显示和保存该选择区域。 (Image processing using MATLAB GUI design graphical user interface, using the MATLAB image processing toolbox Implement the following image processing functions. 1, Guide design based on matlab image with the button interface. 2, connect camera, write MATLAB initialization. 3, use camera to collect an image, which can be saved using the control button to save). 4, design button implementation for any changes in brightness and contrast adjustment, display and contrast changes before After the image of the 5, design interest to be able to use the mouse to the image button to achieve the user area, display and save the selected area. )
    2014-10-23 13:04:04下载
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